This documentation relates to an earlier version of Bamboo.

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To install Bamboo Standalone on Windows,

Step 1. Downloading & Installing Bamboo

Bamboo Standalone for Windows is available for download here. You can choose the Windows Installer (.exe)  or the  Windows Archive (.zip).

Windows Installer (.exe)

Launch the Bamboo Windows installer (atlassian-bamboo-x.x-standalone.exe) to begin the installation wizard.

The installer requires you to specify two directories:

  • Bamboo installation directory — This is the directory where Bamboo's application files will be installed. The default is:
    C:/Program Files/Bamboo
  • Bamboo home directory — This is the directory where Bamboo will store its configuration data. If the directory you specify doesn't exist, Bamboo will create the directory when it launches. The default is: 
    C:/Documents and Settings/<current-user>/Bamboo-home

    You must use forward-slashes in your directory path. Backslashes are not recognised by Bamboo.

Windows Archive (.zip)

To install Bamboo using the Windows archive version (, you need to extract the files to a Bamboo installation directory of your choice. By default, the root directory in your zip file is named "Bamboo".

You will also need to setup your Bamboo home directory — this is the directory where Bamboo will store its root configuration data. To do this, edit the file named  in the  Bamboo/webapp/WEB-INF/classes  directory. In this file, insert the property "bamboo.home", with an absolute path to your Bamboo home directory. Your file should look something like this:


Alternatively, you can specify an environment variable 'bamboo.home' which specifies the absolute path to your {BAMBOO_HOME} directory. Bamboo will check if an environment variable is defined.

Step 2. Launching Bamboo

Once Bamboo is installed on your machine, you can launch the application either via the Start Menu (if you have used the self installer), or by running the batch files available in the root of the Bamboo installation directory. You can run Bamboo in two modes: either in the console, or as a Windows service. Bamboo comes with the following batch files:

  • BambooConsole.bat — this starts Bamboo in a Windows console.
  • InstallAsService.bat — this installs Bamboo as a Windows service. Note that this will not start Bamboo.
  • StartBamboo.bat — this starts your installed Bamboo Windows service.
  • StopBamboo.bat — this stops your installed Bamboo Windows service
  • UninstallService.bat — this un-installs the Bamboo Windows service from your machine. Note that your Bamboo installation still remains.

Once Bamboo has started, you can access it by going to your web browser and entering the default address: http://localhost:8085/.

Step 3. Configuring Bamboo

See Running the Setup Wizard

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