Unable to Locate JIRA Issues with Search
When using the JIRA Issues Macro in Confluence, attempts to locate issues using search come up empty.
Issue is searchable in JIRA
- JIRA return empty result when accessing the URL $JIRAURL/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery=project%3Dpkey&returnMax=true&tempMax=20&field=summary&field=type in web browser
- However, JIRA return a list of issues when the URL $JIRAURL/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery=project%3Dpkey&tempMax=20&field=summary&field=type in web browser
replace "pkey" with existing JIRA's project key
in the $JIRA_HOME/jira-config.properties , the following parameters are set to "-1":
jira.search.views.default.max = -1 jira.search.views.max.limit = -1
Update entries in the $JIRA_HOME/jira-config.properties with desired maximum number of issues returned. For example, 2000, but not higher than 10,000 in general.
jira.search.views.default.max = 2000
jira.search.views.max.limit = 2000
最終更新日: 2016 年 2 月 19 日
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