SQL equivalents for Workflow Integrity Check in Jira Data Center


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プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く





The instance is of a significant size and checks are not able to complete within the timeout period. We have a suggestion to fix this with a progress bar as tracked in  JRA-17593 - Getting issue details... STATUS .


ワークフローの SQL チェックをデータベースに対して手動で実行することで完了できます。 

データベースの変更を行う場合は 必ず事前にバックアップを取得してください。可能な場合はテスト サーバーで変更を試すことをおすすめします。

All queries were written and tested on PostgreSQL. Other DB products might need syntax adjustments and your setup might require database name and schema to be provided for table names.

If your database is case sensitive, and any query returns an error related to table not found, please observe if in the database the queried table name is capitalized or in lower case.

Workflow entry states are correct

  1. This will check for any workflows that have an invalid state, as a result of  JRA-4241 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

    SELECT jiraissue.id issue_id,
    FROM   jiraissue
    JOIN   os_wfentry
    ON     jiraissue.workflow_id = os_wfentry.id
    WHERE  os_wfentry.state IS NULL 
    OR     os_wfentry.state = 0; 
  2. これが次の例のようにレコードを返す場合、有効化するためにデータベースを更新する必要があります。

     issue_id | workflow_id |  id   |             name             | initialized | state
        10023 |       10023 | 10023 | jdg-workflow-2-1377070570282 |             |     0
  3. To fix this example, run the following SQL - we need to update the state to be 1 based on the workflow_id. The workflow_id is actually os_wfentry.id

    UPDATE os_wfentry
    SET state = 1
    WHERE id IN (SELECT os_wfentry.id
                 FROM jiraissue
                          JOIN os_wfentry
                               ON jiraissue.workflow_id = os_wfentry.id
                 WHERE os_wfentry.state IS NULL
                    OR os_wfentry.state = 0);

    MySQL equivalent for the above query that helped:

    UPDATE os_wfentry as o1 
    inner join (
        (SELECT o2.id 
            FROM jiraissue as ji
            JOIN os_wfentry as o2
            ON ji.workflow_id = o2.id
            WHERE o2.state IS NULL OR o2.state = 0)
    ) AS o3 on o1.id = o3.id
    SET o1.state = 1; 

Jira Issues with Null Status

  1. This will check if any issues have an invalid issue status, as from  JRA-7428 - Getting issue details... STATUS :

    SELECT jiraissue.id, 
    FROM   jiraissue 
    JOIN   os_currentstep currentStep 
    ON     jiraissue.workflow_id = currentStep.entry_id 
    WHERE  jiraissue.issuestatus IS NULL;

  2. 次のように修正できます。

    UPDATE jiraissue 
    SET    issuestatus = (SELECT state 
                          FROM   os_wfentry 
                          WHERE  id = workflow_id) 
    WHERE  issuestatus IS NULL; 

Workflow current step entries

  1. This will check if any issues have an invalid workflow id, as from  JRASERVER-4539 - Getting issue details... STATUS :

    select concat(concat(P.pkey,'-'),I.issuenum)
    from jiraissue I
    join project P on P.id = I.project
    left join os_currentstep C on C.entry_id = I.workflow_id
    where C.id is null;

  2. Running the query below will generate the inserts for all issues missing the valid workflow step entry:

    select concat(concat('insert into os_currentstep values ((select max(id)+1 from os_currentstep),',workflow_id),',1,0,'''',now(),null,null,''open'',null)') from jiraissue where not exists (select * from os_currentstep where entry_id=workflow_id);
  3. すべての結果をコピーし、Insert 文を実行して不足している行を追加します。

最終更新日 2024 年 7 月 11 日


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