How to Retrieve Application Access of a User in Jira
プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
To use REST API to retrieve Application Access of a given user in Jira.
REST API call:
<base url>/rest/api/2/user?username=admin&expand=applicationRoles
Please replace
<base url>
with the respective value.結果の例:
{ "self":"<base url>/rest/api/2/user?username=admin", "key":"admin", "name":"admin", "emailAddress":"", "avatarUrls":{ "48x48":"<base url>/secure/useravatar?avatarId=10122", "24x24":"<base url>/secure/useravatar?size=small&avatarId=10122", "16x16":"<base url>/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10122", "32x32":"<base url>/secure/useravatar?size=medium&avatarId=10122" }, "displayName":"Admin User [Local]", "active":true, "timeZone":"Asia/Kuala_Lumpur", "locale":"en_US", "groups":{ "size":3, "items":[ ] }, "applicationRoles":{ "size":2, "items":[ { "key":"jira-servicedesk", "name":"Jira Service Management" }, { "key":"jira-software", "name":"Jira Software" } ] }, "expand":"groups,applicationRoles" }
最終更新日 2020 年 11 月 23 日
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