How to find users and filters that have specific fields visible on Search Results through the database on Jira


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As a consequence of the problems described on article JQL Issue searches are very slow only for a specific user (Server and Data Center), an admin may need to review which users or filters have a specific field being displayed on their searches. This can be relevant since some fields can affect performance when displayed for a large result set - commonly scripted fields or third-party fields.

This article refers to the columns visible on the Issue Navigator as in the screenshot below:


Jira 8.20.20, 9.4.14, 9.12.2


These queries where written and tested for PostgreSQL but they may require minor tweak depending on your database product and your configuration.


  • columnlayoutitem table contains a record for each column layout ID and column they have on their Issue Search. The customfield is stored is the "customfield_xxxx" format under the fieldidentifier column.
  • columnlayout links a user or a filter with the the records from the table above.

Find users with the field on their Issue Navigator configuration

  • Replace xxxxx with the ID of the customfield.
select cl.username,au.lower_user_name, cli.fieldidentifier from columnlayout cl
    join columnlayoutitem cli on
    join app_user au on cl.username=au.user_key
where cli.fieldidentifier in ('customfield_xxxxx');

Find filters with the field on their Issue Navigator column configuration

  • This does not affect the filter results nor does is affect performance when the filter is used as a board or plan source. It's only used when the user has the Filter option selected:

  • Replace xxxxx with the ID of the customfield.
select sr.filtername,,sr.authorname, au.lower_user_name, cli.fieldidentifier from columnlayout cl
    join columnlayoutitem cli on
    join searchrequest sr on
    join app_user au on sr.authorname=au.user_key
where cli.fieldidentifier='customfield_xxxxx';

最終更新日: 2024 年 2 月 23 日


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