How to append an attribute value to the existing values using Insight Automation


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This article explains how to append an attribute value to the existing values via Automation instead of overwriting it.


In Insight Automation, We have an option to update an attribute value of an object post an event. For example, Object Created (or) Object Updated. We are addressing a scenario where we need to append a value to the existing attribute instead of overwriting it using a placeholder.


We can achieve the requirement by setting the Attribute Value in Insight automation as follows

Attribute to update: <Attribute Name>

Value to set: <NewValue>,${<Attribute Name>}


Attribute to update: Services

Value to set: SampleService,${Services}

Using the Name of the Object you wish to add: "SampleService" followed by a comma and a placeholder for the same Attribute, no spaces!.

For appending multiple values

The above example would work if the "Services" attribute has just one value. If there are multiple values then you should use as below

Value to set: SampleService,${Services${0}}

The ${0} indicates ALL multiple values in the placeholder.

If needed, you can combine placeholders from a few attributes, with a comma separator, e.g.:


 For more information on placeholders, you shall refer to the following documentation: Placeholders

最終更新日: 2022 年 10 月 13 日


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