How to add a custom field on your Create Linked Issue Screen
You have successfully added your custom field on your Create Issue Screen, but this custom field is not displayed when you try to create a linked issue. The steps below will show you how you do it.
Please note that this will not work if attempting to make a linked issue for a different project and the target project has custom fields not available in the current project.
The steps in this KB leverage the field configuration settings to mark the field as required. This has the affect of requiring a value for that field for all issues that use that field configuration scheme. To mitigate this, we recommend to first copy the existing field configuration, then copy the existing field configuration scheme, then associate just the project you are working with to use this copied field configuration and scheme, from that point you can then make the changes below so that it only affects the specific project(s) using this field configurations scheme.
The Create linked issue has its own screen, which is why you don't see the custom field, even though it has been successfully added to the Create Issue Screen.
The example below will show you how to add a custom field called Details on your Create Linked Issue Screen.
1- If not done, create your custom field and associated it with your screens, you can find those steps here.
2- Authenticate as your Jira Admin user.
3- Go to
>> Issues >> Field Configuration4- Click on the field configuration for your project
5- Locate the Details field and mark is as Required
6- The custom field will change to Required :
7- Now, let's create the linked issue, open the desired issue and click on More >> Create linked issue
8- The Details custom field is now displayed on your Created linked issue Screen: