Different Issue Status between the View Issue Screen and the Issue Navigator
This problem can be caused in two cases :
Case 1
The Issue Navigator shows a different status in the View Issue screen and the Issue Navigator. The following error might appear in the atlassian-jira.log
org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException: while inserting:
[GenericEntity:ChangeItem][oldvalue,dschofield][group,15659][newvalue,sdabney][field,assignee][oldstring,scho][newstring,Joe Bloggs][id,18232][fieldtype,jira]
SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO changeitem (ID, groupid, FIELDTYPE, FIELD, OLDVALUE, OLDSTRING, NEWVALUE, NEWSTRING) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (Duplicate entry '18232' for key 1)
Case 2
There is a custom transition in your workflow. If you look at the workflow post functions, the re-index is not after the issue update. In this example, the reporter gets changed but the issue does not get re-indexed. See cause 3 below.
- Sometimes the index in JIRA can get out of sync, for example if an Antivirus prevents JIRA from writing to the index. As the index was not updated, the issue was not transitioned properly and this may also occur if JIRA loses its connection with the database.
- After 5.1, the indexing of issues during a workflow transition has changed. Please refer to the linked article as the indexing is now suspended during workflow transition.
- When the workflow post-function is not configured correctly, then the issue does not get re-indexed at the right time and hence the issue status does not reflect the right information.
Cause 1 :
- The solution is to re-index the issue (by editing the issue) or to re-index the entire JIRA instance.
Ensure that JIRA can write to the index directory properly.
- Also ensure that the Validation Query is configured in JIRA to prevent the loss of connection, as in:
Cause 2 :
- Check the plugin that is used to perform the transition. Check with the plugin provider and then ask them to provide an updated version of the plugin that fixes this problem.
Cause 3 :
- Move the position of the of the re-index post function and set it after issue update. See below screenshot as an example :
最終更新日: 2017 年 1 月 3 日
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