Jira Core を 人事 (HR) プロジェクトで利用する
ユースケース | オンボーディング - 初日、最初の週の新入社員の受け入れを行います。 |
何のビジネスプロジェクト で開始するべきですか? | タスク管理 - タスクとサブタスクの課題タイプを伴う、作業前 (To do)、完了 (Done) といった簡易なワークフローを提供します。 |
どのように行うのですか。 |
どのように表示されますか? | |
もっと簡単にすることはできますか? | You may be thinking, "Hold on a minute, I don't want to have to create a bunch of sub tasks every time I need to onboard someone!" Well, you don't. Set up a task with all the associated sub-tasks, and name it Onboarding. Whenever you need to onboard a new employee, find the task and use Jira Core's clone functionality to make a brand new task with all the associated sub-tasks. By renaming the task you'll know which new employee each task belongs to. You can even assign the sub-tasks to the relevant people, so that when you clone the task, Jira Core will make sure the relevant people are assigned to their tasks automatically. |
他のカスタマイゼーション | You may decide that your onboarding should be more extensive, you may decide that instead of just getting the physical bits and pieces together for a new employee, you may want to also ensure that in their first week the get to have lunch with their team, sign off on all your statutory training, or get a building tour. You can customize your project's workflow to suit your needs, assigning the parent task to the person responsible for each step. You could decide to customize the fields available on the task, to make sure you record the information you need along the way (scores in training, asset numbers of any equipment that's been provided). You set up Jira Core to mimic how you do onboarding. It can be as complex or as basic as you like! |
Got the hang of how Jira Core can be used? Let's take a look at another HR example, let's see how you could potentially set up a project to candidates that have applied for job openings you have.
ユースケース | 応募者のトラッキング - 受付可能なロールを公募し、郵送、ウェブサイトやメールで応募の受付を開始します。 |
何のビジネスプロジェクト で開始するべきですか? | プロジェクト管理 - これは、オープン(To do)、進行中(In progress)、完了(Done)のワークフローを提供し、タスク・サブタスクの課題タイプを伴います。 |
どのように行うのですか。 |
どのように表示されますか? | |
もっと簡単にすることはできますか? | Yes, you can! If you've integrated Jira Core with your email system, you can make sure that incoming emails regarding job applications are automatically created as tasks. Any accompanying attachments on the email will also be added as attachments to the task. Ever wondered why some job advertisements ask for your name, the position you're applying for and job reference in the email subject line? It's because this is exactly what they're doing, taking those emails and automatically converting them to "something" they can track and process! Why not use Jira Core to do it for you. |
他のカスタマイゼーション | We know that processing a candidate for a role is never as easy as it sounds. Depending on the role, and any requirements you may need to do several interviews, background checks, make sure you've got the correct paperwork signed and returned... the list goes on! Jira Core allows you to customize the workflow to suit this, and you can assign the task to the relevant person at each stage. すべての求人応募に同じプロジェクトを使用したいが、しばらくするとオープンタスクが多くなり過ぎるのではないかと心配でしたか?各オープンロールに対し定義済みのラベルを割り当てることで課題を並べ替えることができます。これによりタスクの検索が簡単になり、雇用しようとしているロールに関するタスクを抜き出す際に便利です。また、プロジェクトにコンポーネントを追加し、タスクをグループ化することも可能です。コンポーネントを使用し、コンポーネント内の各タスクに、自動的に担当を割り当てることができます。 |
These are just some ideas of how Jira Core can help you with your process, and make it more visible and manageable.