Fisheye and Crucible: Right to erasure
GRPR の第 17 条において、個人には個人データの削除権が保証されています。これは、"忘れられる権利" としても知られます。この権利は絶対的なものではなく、特定の状況でのみ適用されます。個人データの削除の削除について、個人の要求に対応するために必要となる妥当な対応の範囲は場合によって異なるため、弁護士に相談することをおすすめします。個人データの削除義務があると判断された場合は、特定のアトラシアン製品内でこれを実行するための方法について、以降の手順をご確認ください。
製品に保存される個人データは、1) アカウントレベルの個人データと 2) フリーフォーム テキスト形式の個人データに区別されます。アカウントレベルの個人データとは、製品内に存在し、製品で各ユーザーを区別するためにのみ使用されるデータ フィールドです。アカウントレベルの個人データの例には、ユーザーの表示名、プロファイル画像またはアバター、メール アドレスが含まれます。これらのデータ要素は通常ユーザーのプロファイル内で確認でき、スペースやコンテンツ内でユーザーが @メンションやタグ付けされた場合にプロフィールを参照できるようにするため、製品全体で使用されます。構造化された個人データ要素を削除すると、製品内で関連する構造化データ要素が表示される箇所やデータベース (後述の制限事項を参照) からデータ要素が取り除かれます。
フリーフォームのテキスト形式で個人データを追加していた場合 (コンテンツのスペースへの入力やカスタム フィールドのラベル名など)、製品のグローバル検索機能を使ってこのような個人データを検出し、個別に削除する必要があります。
This workaround describes how administrators can anonymize or delete personal data in Fisheye and Crucible.
For more information on where personal data is stored, please read Fisheye and Crucible: Right of access by the data subject.
All workarounds are compatible with Fisheye and Crucible Server 4.1 and later.
How to remove personal data
The removal of a user from the administration panel (Administration > Users > Delete user) does not automatically remove personal data associated with that user. It only marks the user as deleted, so they are no longer visible on the global user list and in search results.
Deleted users can be still found in Fisheye and Crucible as "<Display Name> (deleted user)" in the context of various activities they previously participated in. For this reason, please follow the steps below to permanently remove a user's personal data.
Step 1. Remove from user directories
Go to Administration > User Directories. Next steps will depend on whether you use an internal and/or external directory.
ディレクトリ | 手順 |
内部ユーザー ディレクトリ (Internal or Internal with LDAP authentication) | You can modify personal data in Fisheye and Crucible directly.
External user directory (Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP, Crowd or Jira) |
複数のユーザー ディレクトリ | The same user may be defined in several user directories. In such cases, the order of directories is taken into account. Please ensure that you have removed the user from all directories. Disabling and/or changing the order of directories may help you idenitfy duplicates. |
Some database tables will still contain rows with a deleted user (but with the new user name). This is why we suggest that you first rename the user with an anonymized name. This data is kept for integrity and reference-ability purposes - for example, any comment posted in a review by a deleted user will now be shown as "<anonymised display name> (deleted user)".
To learn more, please read the following:
Step 2. Remove from SQL database
Deleting a user from Fisheye and Crucible is not possible without risking data integrity (a user is associated with code reviews, comments). For this reason, we suggest you anonymize personal data related to the user being deleted, rather than remove the data elements altogether.
User directory data
User directory tables have the cwd_ prefix. They should already be deleted or anonymized if you followed 'step 1'. Use the following query to check:
Fisheye and Crucible data
Fisheye and Crucible tables have the cru_ prefix. They should already be deleted or anonymized, if you followed 'step 1'. Use the following query to check:
The cru_revision.cru_author_name column contains the author of the commit. This value is not being deleted, in order to remain consistent with the repository content, see the 'Limitations' section.
Step 3: Remove from search indexes
After you delete information from the SQL database, you have to refresh content of Lucene search indexes, to remove cached data.
Global cross-repository search index
This index keeps metadata information (like commit messages, authors, paths etc) of all repositories indexed by Fisheye, and is being used by the cross-repository search feature. The clean up of this index is out of scope, because this index reflects information from source code repositories and we assume that repository history is fixed.
Global Crucible search index
This index keeps information from code reviews, such as participants or review comments. Go to Administration > Crucible > Crucible Index Maintenance and select Re-index.
Step 4. Remove avatars
Go to Administration > Avatars and check which service is used for server avatars.
Where an 'internal' option is used, Fisheye and Crucible stores uploaded files on disk. Run the script below to locate the avatar file in the $FISHEYE_INST directory:
username=<put username>
hash=`md5 -q -s $username`
echo "/var/data/avatars/`echo $hash|cut -c1-2`/$hash.image"
Where an 'external' option is used, remove the avatar from the external system.
Step 5: Remove from unstructured data
In addition to structured data, personal data may appear in various places in Fisheye and Crucible due to a user's activity. Examples include:
Personal data in code repositories
Users may commit personal data into repositories as commit comments, in text files, in binary files (for example, photos or documents). Fisheye's search feature can help you find these in commit messages, diffs, file content and commit authors.
Use the "Search" box from the blue application header. Keep in mind that search results may not return 100% of occurrences. Fisheye does not index large files (over 100kb-5MB, depending on repository settings), it will also not index binary files (some text files may be incorrectly marked as binary in the repository).
Personal data code in code reviews
Users may put personal data in code reviews. Crucible's search feature can help you find instances in reviews (review description, review comments).
Use the "Search" box from the blue application header. Please keep in mind, content added to a review (attachments, patches) is not being indexed. You can search content of uploaded files in $FISHEYE_INST/var/data/uploads directory.
Personal data in search queries
Users may create search queries and save them as a favorite. Search content of text columns in cru_base_star_model table for any personal data.
Step 6: Remove from external systems
Fisheye and Crucible may send data (including personal data) to connected external systems. For example, if a Webhook is configured, Fisheye will send commit information including commit author.
There are places within Fisheye and Crucible where personal data is not removed.
Repository caches
Fisheye and Crucible process data fetched from the connected repositories. Currently, five different SCM systems are supported:
- Git
- Mercurial
- perforce
Data obtained from the repository may contain personal data. Certain data differs from the repository type, but it's usually the user name and/or email of the user who made a code change. This data will be not removed from Fisheye and Crucible.
Why this data is not removed
Source code history stored in a repository can be treated as an audit log. In many cases, information about the when, why and who introduced a code change, is critical.
For example, finding the person responsible for introducing a bug or avoiding intellectual property contamination. This may be applicable to commercial, but also to free and open source code. It's not uncommon for open source projects to require the signing of a 'contributor agreement' to verify contributions.
As Fisheye and Crucible processes data from external sources, data stored in Fisheye and Crucible has to be in sync with data from that source. For this reason, Fisheye does not manipulate the history of the repository being scanned.
How to avoid storing personal data in repositories
If would like to avoid storing personal data in source code history, there are a few steps required to achieve this.
Configure committer credentials
Use these identifiers for user name and email addresses, so that they will not contain personal data (for example, numeric id ). Exact configuration depends on the repository type, please refer to the technical documentation of these products to learn how to achieve this. We listed a few links for your convenience:
- Git - setting your username and setting email address
- Mercurial - set user name
- Subversion - user manual
- Perforce - documentation
- CVS - user manual
Configure committer mappings
Fisheye and Crucible come with a feature that allows to you set up mappings between authors of commits in a source code repository, and users of Fisheye and Crucible. You can map credentials set up in a previous step with real users. The mapping is active as long as the user is present. When users are removed from Fisheye and Crucible, the mapping disappears and you will see the original credentials used by committers. You don't have to delete the repository or rewrite the repository history, in order to remove personal data.
Open Administration > User Mappings to set this up. End users can also open Profile Settings > Author Mapping and set them.
How to remove data
Your company may decide to remove personal data from source code repositories. Since data in Fisheye and Crucible is provided from an external source control system, it has to be erased from that system first. Below are two ways to delete data from Fisheye and Crucible, if necessary.
Remove the repository
Removing the repository from Fisheye and Crucible means also removing all related data - not only personal data. More details on how to delete repository can be found in Managing your repositories.
Rewrite repository history
Some repository types allow you to change stored information, while others do not. Please refer to the product's technical documentation to understand how to do this.
For example, Subversion contains a set of unversioned properties, one of them is 'svn:author' property, which means that you can update these commits without rewriting the entire repository history.
Other examples are Git and Mercurial, they calculate hashes using all commit metadata. As a consequence, modification of a commit author means rewriting the entire repository history, resulting in different commit hashes. Effectively it will create a new repository, breaking any existing references in Fisheye and Crucible to these commits.
Rewriting repository may create completely different content
There are consequences of a repository history rewrite.
For example, code reviews in Crucible will no longer be linked to appropriate commits (as commit hashes are different), making correct rendering unachievable (unless the 'Store the contents of files in reviews' feature was used).
Re-clone and re-index repository
In order to refresh data in Fisheye and Crucible you have to either:
- create a new repository pointing to the rewritten repository, and delete the old repository
- refresh the content of the existing repository via:
- re-clone and re-index (Git, Mercurial)
- re-index (Perforce, CVS)
- re-scan subversion non-versioned properties (Subversion)
Choose Administration > Repositories > (edit repository) > Maintenance. For more information on how to re-index a repository, read Re-indexing your repository.
Reindexing may be very time-consuming operation
The re-indexing of repository history can be costly. For large repositories (10,000+ commits and branches) it may take weeks or months. Perform an analysis of your repositories and re-indexing speed (on a test machine) prior to executing it on a production instance. Please read How do I avoid long reindex times for further guidance.
アプリケーション ログ
Application logs may contain personal data (for example, a user name or IP address in access logs). We recommend defining a company policy for how long log files will be stored.
Alternatively, you may strip personal data from logs (using 'grep -v').
Backup files
Currently, there is no technical way to remove personal data from backup files. Removal from backups would mean:
- setting up a new Fisheye and Crucible instance
- importing all data from a backup
- removing personal data
- creating the backup of the instance
- repeating this for each backup file
We recommend disposing of backup files automatically after a set maximum period of time when they are no longer necessary.
In rare cases, when there's a need to restore a system from a backup, a user's personal data may be restored as a result of this action.
上記に関連する GDPR 回避策は、本製品の最新バージョン用に最適化されていることにご注意ください。製品のレガシー バージョンを実行している場合、回避策の効果は限定的である可能性があります。この記事で案内されている回避策を最適化するには、最新の製品バージョンにアップグレードすることを検討してください。
サードパーティ製アドオンは、独自のデータベース テーブルまたはファイルシステム内に個人データを保存する可能性があります。
GDPR コンプライアンスへの取り組みに関する上記の記事は、アトラシアンのサーバーおよびデータセンター製品内に保存されている個人データのみを対象としています。サーバーまたはデータセンター環境にサードパーティ製アドオンをインストールしている場合、お客様のサーバーまたはデータセンター環境でアクセス、転送、または処理する可能性がある個人データと GDPR コンプライアンスへの取り組みについて、サードパーティのアドオン プロバイダにお問い合わせください。
サーバーまたはデータ センターのお客様の場合、アトラシアンはお客様が製品内で保存するように選択した個人データへのアクセス、保管、または処理は行いません。アトラシアンが処理する個人データの詳細については、プライバシー ポリシーを参照してください。