TypeError: this.ui.items.auiSelect2 is not a function
In the Administration view when accessing Global Permissions, the page is empty:
When accessing the Defaults page under Repository Settings, you receive a javascript popup error:
Error calling server:com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : this.ui.items.auiSelect2 is not a function
In addition to the above, you could experience other weird behavior that will produce the javascript error in a popup window or in the java console output for your web browser.
The cause of this javascript error is due to two system add-ons being disabled despite being enabled by default:
- JIRA Integration :: Plugin
- Inline Issue Creation Plugin for Crucible
- Navigate to Administration > Manage Add-ons > select All add-ons
- Find and enable both add-ons
- Test functionality
If this resolution doesn't solve your problem, please login into https://getsupport.atlassian.com and open a new issue so one of our Support Engineers can take a look.