Oracle DB - The database is not using Unicode. Crucible requires that the database uses a UTF8 encoding to support internalization


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When trying to migrate to an Oracle DB, the following ERROR is shown "The database is not using case-sensitive Unicode. Fisheye and Crucible require that the database is case-sensitive and uses a UTF8 encoding to support internalization."


The problem on the UI is happening because the encoding set in your Oracle server is more restrictive than UTF8.

We know that Oracle allows a unique Server level Char Encoding only as per:


Since FeCru supports UTF8 DBs only, this will demand a change on the DB Server side (changing its encoding to AL32UTF8).

There are no supported methods to run Crucible with a non-UTF-8 supporting database. Some users have had success modifying the Crucible configuration directly (but this is not supported by Atlassian):

  • Stop your instance of crucible.
  • Open your <<FISHEYE_INST>/config.xml and change the <<database>> tag as the following (Insert this xml snippet just before the <snippet/> tag): 
<database type="oracle">
<connection dialect="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" jdbcurl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>:1521:<orcl>" password="<password>" username="userid>" maxPoolSize="20" minPoolSize="5" driverSource="bundled"/>
  • Change the values of the: jdbcurl, password and username properties.

  • Save and restart your instance.

PS: This won't migrate your data if you were previously using another database but it will allow you to install a brand new crucible instance using Oracle.

最終更新日 2018 年 7 月 31 日


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