How to retrieve review comments and their respective authors, files, defect classifications and rankings directly from database


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  • This SQL query below was tested with the Fisheye /Crucible versions listed below. It may require some adjustments in other versions.
    • 4.1.1
    • 4.5.2
    • 4.8.4
  • This SQL query below is compatible with PostgreSQL. It may require some adjustments in order to run with other database types.


For reporting purposes, Crucible administrators might want to retrieve review comments and their respective authors, files, defect classifications and rankings (when marked as defects), from a specific date onwards, directly from the underlying database.


 Run the following query (PostgreSQL version):

PostgreSQL version
        cru_revpermaid.cru_proj_key || '-' || cru_revpermaid.cru_number AS "Review Key",
        TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(cru_review.cru_create_date / 1000), 'MM-DD-YYYY') AS "Review Creation Date",
        cc.cru_comment_id AS "Comment ID",
        cru_user_comment_author.cru_user_name AS "Comment Author", 
                WHEN cru_comment_read_status.cru_read IS TRUE 
                THEN 'Read'
                ELSE 'Unread'
        END) AS "Comment Status",
        cc.cru_message AS "Comment Message",
        COALESCE (
                        WHEN cc.cru_reply_to_comment_id IS NOT NULL 
                        THEN '<REPLY TO COMMENT ID: ' || cc.cru_reply_to_comment_id || '>' 
                        ELSE '<GENERAL COMMENTS>' END
                ) AS "File Path",
        cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev.cru_line_range AS "Line Range",
        (SELECT (
                                '/n:metrics/n:comment/n:field[@name=''classification'']/n:select/n:option[@value='|| cru_field.cru_int_val ||']/text()', 
        FROM cru_metric_definition 
                JOIN cru_field ON cru_metric_definition.cru_metric_id = cru_field.cru_config_version
                JOIN cru_comment_field ON cru_field.cru_field_id = cru_comment_field.cru_field_id
                JOIN cru_comment c ON c.cru_comment_id = cru_comment_field.cru_comment_id
        WHERE c.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id
        AND cru_field.cru_name = 'classification'
        ) AS "Classification",
        (SELECT (
                                '/n:metrics/n:comment/n:field[@name=''rank'']/n:select/n:option[@value='|| cru_field.cru_int_val ||']/text()', 
        FROM cru_metric_definition 
                JOIN cru_field ON cru_metric_definition.cru_metric_id = cru_field.cru_config_version
                JOIN cru_comment_field ON cru_field.cru_field_id = cru_comment_field.cru_field_id
                JOIN cru_comment c ON c.cru_comment_id = cru_comment_field.cru_comment_id
        WHERE c.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id
        AND cru_field.cru_name = 'rank'
        ) AS "Ranking" 
FROM cru_comment AS cc
        LEFT JOIN cru_comment_field ON cru_comment_field.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_field ON cru_comment_field.cru_field_id = cru_field.cru_field_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_metric_definition ON cru_metric_definition.cru_metric_id = cru_field.cru_config_version
        LEFT JOIN cru_comment_read_status ON cru_comment_read_status.cru_comment = cc.cru_comment_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_user cru_user_comment_author ON cru_user_comment_author.cru_user_id = cc.cru_user_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_review ON cru_review.cru_review_id = cc.cru_review_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_revpermaid ON cru_revpermaid.cru_review_id = cru_review.cru_review_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_inline_comment ON cru_inline_comment.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id -- JOINs only if inline comment
        LEFT JOIN cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev ON cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev.cru_inline_comment_id = cru_inline_comment.cru_comment_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_frx_revision cru_frx_revision_inline ON cru_frx_revision_inline.cru_frx_rev_id = cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev.cru_frx_rev_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_revision cru_revision_inline ON cru_revision_inline.cru_revision_id = cru_frx_revision_inline.cru_revision
        LEFT JOIN cru_stored_path cru_stored_path_inline ON cru_stored_path_inline.cru_path_id = cru_revision_inline.cru_path
        LEFT JOIN cru_frx_comment ON cru_frx_comment.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id -- JOINs only if frx comment
        LEFT JOIN cru_frx_revision cru_frx_revision_frx ON cru_frx_revision_frx.cru_frx_id = cru_frx_comment.cru_frx_id
        LEFT JOIN cru_revision cru_revision_frx ON cru_revision_frx.cru_revision_id = cru_frx_revision_frx.cru_revision
        LEFT JOIN cru_stored_path cru_stored_path_frx ON cru_stored_path_frx.cru_path_id = cru_revision_frx.cru_path
WHERE NOT cc.cru_deleted
        AND NOT cc.cru_draft
        AND TO_TIMESTAMP(cru_review.cru_create_date / 1000) >= '9-25-2020'
        AND cru_revpermaid.cru_proj_key LIKE 'CR' -- use this to restrict by project key
        AND cru_revpermaid.cru_number = 1 -- use this to restrict by review number
ORDER BY "Review Key"
Mysql version
        CONCAT(cru_revpermaid.cru_proj_key, '-', cru_revpermaid.cru_number) AS "Review Key",
        DATE_FORMAT(TIMESTAMP(cru_review.cru_create_date / 1000), 'MM-DD-YYYY') AS "Review Creation Date",
        cc.cru_comment_id AS "Comment ID",
        cru_user_comment_author.cru_user_name AS "Comment Author",
             WHEN cru_comment_read_status.cru_read IS TRUE
                 THEN 'Read'
             ELSE 'Unread'
            END) AS "Comment Status",
        cc.cru_message AS "Comment Message",
        COALESCE (
                    WHEN cc.cru_reply_to_comment_id IS NOT NULL
                        THEN '<REPLY TO COMMENT ID: ' || cc.cru_reply_to_comment_id || '>'
                    ELSE '<GENERAL COMMENTS>' END
            ) AS "File Path",
        cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev.cru_line_range AS "Line Range"
FROM cru_comment AS cc
         LEFT JOIN cru_comment_field ON cru_comment_field.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_field ON cru_comment_field.cru_field_id = cru_field.cru_field_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_metric_definition ON cru_metric_definition.cru_metric_id = cru_field.cru_config_version
         LEFT JOIN cru_comment_read_status ON cru_comment_read_status.cru_comment = cc.cru_comment_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_user cru_user_comment_author ON cru_user_comment_author.cru_user_id = cc.cru_user_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_review ON cru_review.cru_review_id = cc.cru_review_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_revpermaid ON cru_revpermaid.cru_review_id = cru_review.cru_review_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_inline_comment ON cru_inline_comment.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id -- joins only if inline comment
         LEFT JOIN cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev ON cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev.cru_inline_comment_id = cru_inline_comment.cru_comment_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_frx_revision cru_frx_revision_inline ON cru_frx_revision_inline.cru_frx_rev_id = cru_inline_comment_to_frx_rev.cru_frx_rev_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_revision cru_revision_inline ON cru_revision_inline.cru_revision_id = cru_frx_revision_inline.cru_revision
         LEFT JOIN cru_stored_path cru_stored_path_inline ON cru_stored_path_inline.cru_path_id = cru_revision_inline.cru_path
         LEFT JOIN cru_frx_comment ON cru_frx_comment.cru_comment_id = cc.cru_comment_id -- joins only if frx comment
         LEFT JOIN cru_frx_revision cru_frx_revision_frx ON cru_frx_revision_frx.cru_frx_id = cru_frx_comment.cru_frx_id
         LEFT JOIN cru_revision cru_revision_frx ON cru_revision_frx.cru_revision_id = cru_frx_revision_frx.cru_revision
         LEFT JOIN cru_stored_path cru_stored_path_frx ON cru_stored_path_frx.cru_path_id = cru_revision_frx.cru_path
WHERE NOT cc.cru_deleted
  AND NOT cc.cru_draft
  AND TO_TIMESTAMP(cru_review.cru_create_date / 1000) >= '9-25-2020'
  AND cru_revpermaid.cru_proj_key LIKE 'CR' -- use this to restrict by project key
  AND cru_revpermaid.cru_number = 1 -- use this to restrict by review number
ORDER BY "Review Key"


Review Key  Review Creation Date  Comment ID  Comment Author  Comment Status  Comment Message                   File Path                 Line Range  Classification  Ranking  
----------  --------------------  ----------  --------------  --------------  --------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------  --------------  -------  
CR-1        10-12-2020            1           user1           Read            Comment in a single line          file2.txt                 24          Ambiguous       Major    
CR-1        10-12-2020            2           user2           Read            Comment in line range             file2.txt                 27-31       Inconsistent    Minor    
CR-1        10-12-2020            3           user3           Read            Comment in another file           file.txt                  2           Missing         Major    
CR-1        10-12-2020            4           user1           Read            General comment                   <GENERAL COMMENTS>        (null)      (null)          (null)   
CR-1        10-12-2020            5           user1           Read            Reply to comment in single line   <REPLY TO COMMENT ID: 1>  (null)      (null)          (null)   
CR-1        10-12-2020            6           user1           Read            Reply to comment in line range    <REPLY TO COMMENT ID: 2>  (null)      (null)          (null)   

最終更新日 2021 年 7 月 29 日


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