Fisheye TimeoutException after 20000ms banner
A banner at the top of Fisheye pages says "TimeoutException after 20000ms".
The following can be seen in the logs:
2015-06-11 03:34:59,183 WARN [main ] com.atlassian.fecru.plugins.healthsource.DefaultHealthCheckRunner DefaultHealthCheckRunner-runChecks - TimeoutException after 20000ms for com.atlassian.fecru.plugins.fecru-jirarest-plugin:jiraVersionHealthCheck
A timeout occurs on startup of Fisheye.
This message is produced by our bundled fecru-healthsource-plugin
As a workaround the plugin can be disabled until next restart of the application (See our resource on disabling plugins in Fisheye for more details).
A restart should resolve the banner as long as another timeout does not occur.
Last modified on Mar 3, 2021
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