Documentation for Team Calendars 3.2 and earlier.
See the [Latest Team Calendars documentation].

This page covers basic instructions for adding events calendars to Confluence.

(info) Events calendars differ from people calendars by having a location as well as a time and date. These are ideally used for things like dates for company group events, such as meetings or celebrations.

On this page:

Adding a New Events Calendar

To add an events calendar, click 'My Calendar' > 'Add Calendar' > 'New Calendar' > 'Events Calendar'.

The Create Events Calendar dialog appears.

Once the calendar is created, you can start adding to it straight away.

Creating Events in the Calendar

Click a date on the calendar or the 'Create Event' button to begin.

You're prompted to choose the calendar to add to, then enter title, description, time zone and the name of a related Confluence space (if any).

Once you're done, the new event appears on the calendar.


Subscribe to and from Team Calendars from other calendar systems: