Stash is now known as Bitbucket Server.
See the

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of this page, or visit the Bitbucket Server documentation home page.

Atlassian Stash is the Git code management solution for enterprise teams. It allows everyone in your organisation to easily collaborate on your Git repositories, while providing enterprise-grade support for:

  • ユーザー認証
  • リポジトリのセキュリティ
  • 既存のデータベースと開発環境を統合します。

This page describes best practice for using Stash in enterprise environments, that is with 500+ user licenses. Of course, much of this information is also applicable to other Stash installations.

On this page:


Stash をホストするためのプラットフォーム要件

Although Stash can be run on Windows, Linux and Mac systems, for enterprise use we only recommend, and support, Linux. This recommendation is based on our own testing and experience with using Stash.

Please see the Supported platforms page for details of the supported versions of Java, external databases, web browsers and Git.

Stash に関するパフォーマンスの考慮事項

一般的に、Stash は非常に安定性が高く、メモリ消費量が低い製品です。Git ホスト操作 (特に複製) 以外、スケーラビリティの制限はありません。当社ではこれが製品のスケーラビリティの制限であると把握しています。制限は、システムのコアの数に比例します。

As an example, data collected from an internal Stash instance indicate that for a team of approximately 50, with associated continuous integration infrastructure, we see a peak concurrency of 30 simultaneous clone operations and a mean of 2 simultaneous clone operations. We conservatively expect that a customer with similar usage patterns would be capable of supporting 1000 users on a machine with 40 cores and a supporting amount of ram. While we expect a peak concurrency larger than 40, Stash is designed to queue incoming requests so as to avoid overwhelming the server.

Please see Scaling Stash for more information about Stash performance and hardware requirements.

Setting up Stash in a production environment

When setting up Stash for a production or enterprise environment, please follow the instructions on the Installing Stash on Linux and Mac page. We highly recommend that you configure the following aspects:

  • For production environments Stash should use an external database, rather than the embedded database. Set up your external DBMS (for example MySQL) before starting Stash for the first time. This allows you to connect Stash to that DBMS using the Setup Wizard that launches when you first run Stash. See Connecting Stash to an external database.
Stash ホームディレクトリを保護する
  • For production environments the Stash home directory should be secured against unauthorised access. See Stash home directory.
Stash を HTTPS で保護する
  • Access to Stash should be secured using HTTP over SSL, especially if your data is sensitive and Stash is exposed to the internet. See Securing Stash with HTTPS.
Git リポジトリへの SSH アクセスを有効にする
  • Enable SSH access for your Stash users to Git repositories in Stash so that they can add their own SSH keys to Stash, and then use those SSH keys to secure Git operations between their computer and the Stash server.  See Enabling SSH access to Git repositories in Stash.
Stash へのコンテキストパスを変更する
  • If you are running Stash behind a proxy, or you have another Atlassian application (or any Java web application), available at the same hostname and context path as Stash, then you should set a unique context path for Stash. See Moving Stash to a different context path.

本番環境で Stash を管理する

Stash のアップグレード
  • For production environments we recommend that you test the Stash upgrade on a QA server before deploying to production. See the Stash upgrade guide.
  •  Stash does not currently have any built-in data backup or recovery solutions. We highly recommend that you establish a data recovery plan that is aligned with your company's policies. See Data recovery and backups.
  • Stash logs can be found in <STASH_HOME>/log. Logs for the bundled Tomcat webserver can be found in <Stash installation directory>/log. See also Stash debug logging.
  • ラベルなし