- Logging work on issues
- Logging work on issues
- Logging work on issues
- Logging time on issues
- Working with issues
- Allow logging work in Jira issues while still using workflow property 'jira.issue.editable=false'
- How to restrict Log Work on a specific status
- The worklogDate function in the JQL search is showing issues where work was logged 1 day later
- Working with issues
- Log Work from Dashboard Gadget returns 400 HTTP Error
This page refers to the usage of the improved planning interface in Portfolio for Jira (version 3.0 and later). If you're using a Portfolio for Jira live plan (any version from 2.0 to 2.27), refer to the documentation in this section.
Before managing the dependencies in your plan, ensure that Portfolio for Jira is already configured to use issue links in your Jira instance.
Note that when adding issue links, the relationships between issues will need to be defined. Make sure that these defined relationships are suitable for how your team works. See Managing Portfolio dependencies to know how.
1 | Click the dependencies field of an issue, to view the associated dependencies in detail. |
2 | 関連付けられた依存関係の詳細。これには以下が含まれます。
- Logging work on issues
- Logging work on issues
- Logging work on issues
- Logging time on issues
- Working with issues
- Allow logging work in Jira issues while still using workflow property 'jira.issue.editable=false'
- How to restrict Log Work on a specific status
- The worklogDate function in the JQL search is showing issues where work was logged 1 day later
- Working with issues
- Log Work from Dashboard Gadget returns 400 HTTP Error