- The Atlassian Marketplace server is not reachable
- Securing Bitbucket Server with Tomcat using SSL
- How to run Bitbucket Server over HTTPS with a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) keystore
- Securing Bitbucket Server with Apache using SSL
- Using self-signed certificates for Bitbucket Mirrors or Mirror Farms
- Using self-signed certificates for Bitbucket Mirrors or Mirror Farms
- Problem creating an Application Link from JIRA to a HTTPS Bitbucket Server (or vice-versa)
- How to add the TLS certificate to the Java trust store when running Bitbucket Server and Data Center in a Docker container
- Can't access Bitbucket Server with Git - Issuer certificate is invalid
- How to import certificate from Bitbucket server to git client
Portfolio for Jira lets you easily re-prioritize work items by changing their order in the scope view. The order of work items is taken into account by the scheduling algorithm of Portfolio for Jira. Items that are ranked higher will be considered more important, and Portfolio for Jira will attempt to schedule them before lower ranked items.
- Go to your plan via Portfolio (in header) > View Portfolio > click your plan.
- Click the Scope tab to display the scope table.
- 課題の左側にマウス カーソルを合わせると、ドラッグ アンド ドロップ アイコン (
) が表示されます。
- 課題をドラッグ アンド ドロップして適宜並べ替えます。課題の横にオレンジ色のバーが表示され、作業項目が並べ替えられたことを示します。
- [計算する] をクリックして行った変更に基づいてスケジュールを更新します。
- Commit the changes back to your Jira instance.
最終更新日 2018 年 9 月 21 日
- The Atlassian Marketplace server is not reachable
- Securing Bitbucket Server with Tomcat using SSL
- How to run Bitbucket Server over HTTPS with a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) keystore
- Securing Bitbucket Server with Apache using SSL
- Using self-signed certificates for Bitbucket Mirrors or Mirror Farms
- Using self-signed certificates for Bitbucket Mirrors or Mirror Farms
- Problem creating an Application Link from JIRA to a HTTPS Bitbucket Server (or vice-versa)
- How to add the TLS certificate to the Java trust store when running Bitbucket Server and Data Center in a Docker container
- Can't access Bitbucket Server with Git - Issuer certificate is invalid
- How to import certificate from Bitbucket server to git client
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