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This page refers to Portfolio classic plans. If you're using Portfolio 2.0 and later, please check this section for frequently asked questions about Portfolio live plans.

We have collected together some of the frequently asked questions about story points in Portfolio for Jira.

Can you enter your own velocity/capacity for specific sprints? 

Currently this is not possible. We will focus on a team velocity and project/forecast from an initial value into the future. However, it is likely that the option to modify the velocity forecast at the individual sprint level will be added at a later date.

Will there be support for story points at the planning level (backlog) and hour estimation at sprint backlog level, calculating team hours per story points, and automatically loading sprints based on this?

No, this is not currently planned as an explicit feature in the product. When working with story points at the planning level, we encourage you to load the sprint based on points and the team's overall velocity, rather than doing extra planning. As soon as a team is stable and has a predictable velocity, it should not be required to use team hours. Portfolio for Jira considers measures for velocity forecasting (e.g. in case of vacation hours), and bottleneck detection based on skills so that what we suggest at the planning level to fit into a sprint is realistic.

How will the velocity of a team be affected when adding a new team member?

Adding a team member will impact the velocity forecast for the whole team. However, future projections of velocity have to be considered with care. There might be a ramp-up time until a new member actually adds to the velocity. Initially, there might even be a small downturn caused by introduction/training effort for a new team member. For more information see Setting estimates with story points.

With story points, are you be able to use them in planning (backlog)  while using hours when breaking tasks down in the sprint backlog?

Yes, having story points at the planning level does not prevent you from using hours on the task level. However, the aggregated reporting on the portfolio level will likely still be based on points, so it will only count towards progress if the whole story is completed, rather than looking at time spent on the subtasks.

最終更新日 2018 年 6 月 15 日


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