As of June 1, 2015, the IDE Connector documentation will no longer be maintained by Atlassian. See for more information. We will also be making this documentation available for our open source community here:

2008 年 7 月 10 日

With pleasure, Atlassian presents version 1.6 of the Atlassian IDE Plugin for IDEA.
In this release, we have improved the functionality for JIRA issues displayed in the IDEA editor pane. You'll notice a JIRA icon on the tab next to the issue number. A few new controls allow you to expand and collapse sections of the pane. The items in the 'Details' section are now hyperlinked, so that you can click through to the relevant JIRA screen. A new toolbar provides buttons to open the issue for viewing or editing in your browser, or to analyze a stack trace.

The plugin now warns you when a server's SSL certificate is invalid, and gives you the choice of accepting or refusing the connection to the server.

Below is a list of all the fixes and improvements in this release.

The Atlassian IDE Plugin is available for Eclipse too

Take a look at the release notes for the Eclipse version of the plugin.

Don't have the Atlassian IDE Plugin for IDEA yet?

Follow our easy installation instructions.

This is an open source project. You can get the source code from our SVN repository.

The plugin's blog

From time to time, the plugin development team posts some information on the plugin's blog.

Complete List of Fixes in the Atlassian IDE Plugin 1.6 for IDEA

鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度 ステータス

Unable to locate JIRA server for this macro.It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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