Documentation for GreenHopper 6.2.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.
「 x 」アイコンをクリック(または「 t 」を入力)すれば、課題詳細ビューを閉じることができます。
On this page:
スクリーンショット 1 :課題詳細ビュー
タブ | クリックすると... |
課題詳細ビューのサイズ変更 | |
課題の詳細表示: | |
課題の説明フィールド表示 | |
課題についてのコメント表示 | |
課題に添付されたファイルの表示 | |
課題のサブタスクの簡易な要約表示(および簡単に新規のサブタスクを作成するボタン) | |
View any test sessions for this issue (if you are using Bonfire). | |
View any commits for this issue (if you are using the DVCS Connector). |
To view all of an issue's fields (that is, the JIRA issue screen),
スクリーンショット3 : JIRA 「課題表示」画面
The Agile panel (bottom right of screen) contains sprint information. If the Issue is in an active or completed sprint then the sprint name is shown, along with the end date of the completed sprint. Clicking the sprint name will allow you to view the relevant sprint details; for active sprints this will take you to the Work mode (with focus on the relevant issue), or for a completed sprint, you will be taken to the Sprint Retrospective Report.
When viewing an issue within JIRA, you can also jump to the relevant GreenHopper board(s) by selecting More Actions > Rapid Board or clicking the View on Board included in the Agile panel.
To view multiple issues as a list in the JIRA Issue Navigator,
Screenshot: right-clicking an issue in 'Plan' mode