Documentation for GreenHopper 6.2.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

Introducing version "Capacity".

Support of the Automatic Assignation

You can now ask GreenHopper to auto-assign the issues based on your default project assignation scheme. The "Automatic" assignation will be available in the new card creation and the "assign issue" of the detailed card.

Introduction of the Version Capacity

You can now set a capacity for your added statistics. GreenHopper will warn you as soon as your version exceeds that capacity.

Gliffy Integrated

We are proud to announce that the awesome diagram plugin Gliffy is now fully integrated into GreenHopper. A killer plugin!

Hourburndown Chart Tuned up

The hour burndown chart is now better supporting the edition of the worklogs. It will also support the reset of the "remaining" field directly performed from the issue edit screen. See related issue: JIRA:JRA-16234

Support of "Optional" for Select Fields

By setting your field as optional in your field configurations you will have access to a "None" option. Selecting this option will not assign any values for that field.

Fixes and Improvements

type 鍵 (キー) 要約 優先度 ステータス


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