Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

(info) Note that this page only applies if you are using the Classic Boards (which are no longer being actively developed; read more).

The GreenHopper Classic Released Board gives you access to charts for the released versions of your projects.

Screenshot 1: Classic Released Board (click to view larger image)

Viewing Charts for your Released Versions

To view the charts for released versions,

  1. Log into JIRA.
  2. Select Agile > Classic in the top navigation bar. Then select Classic Released Board from the drop-down below the project name.
  3. Select your project from the project dropdown in the top left of the Classic Released Board.
  4. Select your version from the version dropdown in the top left of the Classic Released Board.
    • The selected version will be shown in a yellow box in the right-hand column of the Classic Released Board (see screenshot 1 above. Note that, in the right-hand column, a released version is shown in a box with an unbroken outline, while an unreleased version is shown in a box with a dotted outline.
  5. Select your desired chart from the charts dropdown in the top left of the Classic Released Board. Choose from:
    • バーンダウン チャート
    • Hour Burndown Chart
    • Issue Burndown Chart
    • バーンアップ チャート
    • Value Chart
  6. The Classic Released Board will refresh and display the chart specified (see screenshot 2 below).
    • To view the chart in full-screen (i.e. without the JIRA header displayed), click the Views drop-down menu at the top of the page (see screenshot 1 above) and select Full Screen.
    • To view the chart centred on the screen (i.e. without the right-hand column displayed), click the icon at the top of the right-hand column of the page (see screenshot 1 above).
    • To print the chart, select Print Chart from the drop-down menu that appears in the right-hand column of the page when you hover over the yellow box for the selected version (see screenshot 1 above).


Screenshot 2: Classic Released Board — Chart