Gadgets and Dashboards 3.0Gadgets and Dashboards 2.0
Gadgets and Dashboards 1.0
This page tells you how to remove a gadget from the gadget directory.
On this page:
There are two types of gadgets: those that were installed into the application as plugins, and those that were added as simple gadgets. You will need to remove them in different ways.
If the gadget was added to the directory as a simple URL, not as a plugin, then you can simply remove it from the directory.
You need to have administrator privileges to remove a gadget from the directory.
To remove a gadget from your directory,
Screenshot 1: Gadget directory with 'Remove' button
If the gadget was installed into the application as a plugin, there will not be a 'Remove' button in the gadget directory.
You will need to remove the plugin that supplies the gadget in your application. Follow your application's plugin management instructions. For example:
Gadgets and Dashboards User Guide
Gadgets and Dashboards Administration Guide