New gadgets marketplace app introduced in Confluence 9.2
Support for gadgets ended in Confluence 7.0.
We reintroduced the gadgets functionality in Confluence Data Center 9.2 in the External gadgets for Confluence marketplace app.
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This page provides an introduction to the 'consumers' list of an Atlassian application's OAuth administration page. It also shows you how to add other applications as consumers of your Atlassian application's resources and to how edit or remove existing consumers.
(info) You should be familiar with Atlassian's implementation of the OAuth protocol (refer to the Introduction to OAuth) before reading the information on this page.

On this page:

The 'Consumers' page contains a list of OAuth-compliant applications that have access to your Atlassian application's resources. If a prospective consumer application, which could be another Atlassian application, provides its own consumer information and needs to access your Atlassian application's resources, you can use the Consumers page to add the application as a consumer of your Atlassian application's resources.

Establishing OAuth relationships between Atlassian applications

If you are establishing OAuth relationships between two Atlassian applications, please use this 'Consumers' page on the server provider application to establish this OAuth relationship. You cannot use the 'Service Providers' page to do this as Atlassian applications do not issue shared secrets.

Upon first viewing your Atlassian application's Consumers page, you will not see any consumers listed on it (unless you or another administrator of your application has added consumers to it).

On the 'Consumers' page, you can add a prospective consumer to your Atlassian application, edit its details and remove it.

Adding a Consumer of Your Atlassian Application's Resources

The OAuth Consumer page allows you to add an application as a consumer of your Atlassian application's resources.

To add an application as a consumer of your Atlassian application's resources,

  1. On the 'OAuth Administration' page, click the 'Consumers' tab if necessary to view your current list of consumers.
  2. Click the 'Add OAuth Consumer' link.
  3. 以下のオプションから1つ選択します:
    • If the prospective consumer is another Atlassian application that provides its own consumer information via URL and it is currently connected to your network or the Internet:
      1. Enter the consumer's URL into the 'Consumer Base URL' field.
      2. Click the 'Add' button. The other Atlassian application's consumer information is added as a new record into your Atlassian application's consumers list.
    • If the prospective consumer application is not an Atlassian application but you have access to its consumer key and public key (or self-signed certificate):
      1. Enter the following consumer details manually into the relevant fields:
        • Consumer Key — The application's consumer key. This field is mandatory and its contents must match the consumer key supplied by the application.
        • Name — Any descriptive name for the application. This field is mandatory, although the exact wording and format of the application's name is your choice. It is prudent to be accurate, however, as this name will be shown to your Atlassian application's users when they grant permission for a consumer to access your application's resources.
        • Description — A short description of the application. By convention, it is useful to include the name of the application and if applicable, its URL, somewhere within the description.
        • Public Key — The application's public key or self-signed certificate. This field is mandatory and its contents must match the public key or self-signed certificate supplied by the consumer.
        • Callback URL — A consumer application usually supplies its own callback URL when receiving an OAuth request token. Hence, this field is usually left blank. However, if the consumer application does not provide its own callback URL, this URL will be used instead.
      2. Click the 'Add' button. If all the information is valid (in particular, the public key format), then the application's consumer information is added as a new record into your Atlassian application's consumers list.

At any time, you can click 'Return to Consumer List' to cancel adding consumer details to your Atlassian application.

Adding Google as an OAuth Consumer

To configure Google as an OAuth consumer (such as, for iGoogle or Gmail) use the following information:

Consumer Key:
Name: iGoogle
Public Key:


When copying and pasting the public key, please make sure it does not contain unnecessary spaces at the end of each line. Line breaks are acceptable, but no whitespace.

Editing a Consumer of Your Atlassian Application's Resources

In addition to adding consumers, the OAuth Consumer page allows you to edit the details of existing consumers of your Atlassian application's resources.
(info) It is not possible to modify an existing consumer application's consumer key. If you must do this (because a consumer application's consumer key has changed), you will need to add that application as a new consumer of your Atlassian application's resources.

To edit the details of an existing consumer of your Atlassian application's resources,

  1. On the 'OAuth Administration' page, click the 'Consumers' tab if necessary to view your current list of consumers.
  2. Click the 'Edit' link next to the consumer whose details you wish to edit.
  3. The following consumer details can be modified:
    • Name — Any descriptive name for the application. This field is mandatory, although the exact wording and format of the application's name is your choice. It is prudent to be accurate, however, as this name will be shown to your Atlassian application's users when they grant permission for a consumer to access your application's resources.
    • Description — A short description of the application. By convention, it is useful to include the name of the application and if applicable, its URL, somewhere within the description.
    • Public Key — The application's public key or self-signed certificate. This field is mandatory and its contents must match the public key or self-signed certificate supplied by the consumer.
    • Callback URL — A consumer application usually supplies its own callback URL when receiving an OAuth request token. Hence, this field is usually left blank. However, if the consumer application does not provide its own callback URL, this URL will be used instead.
  4. Click the 'Add' button. If all the modified information is valid (in particular, the public key format), then the application's consumer information is added as a new record into your Atlassian application's consumers list.

At any time, you can click 'Return to Consumer List' to cancel editing a consumer's details.

Removing a Consumer of Your Atlassian Application's Resources

In addition to adding consumers, the OAuth Consumer page allows you to remove existing consumers of your Atlassian application's resources.
(warning) Once you remove a consumer application from your Altassian application's consumer list, then that application will no longer be able to access your Atlassian application's resources.

To remove an existing consumer of your Atlassian application's resources,

  1. On the 'OAuth Administration' page, click the 'Consumers' tab if necessary to view your current list of consumers.
  2. Click the 'Remove' link next to the consumer you wish to remove.
    (info) You will be prompted to confirm this action. Be aware that any request tokens created by this consumer application will be removed and consequently, this application will no longer be able to access your Atlassian application's resources.
  3. The consumer application is removed from your Atlassian application's consumer list.
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