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Unknown macro: {spacejump}

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This page describes how to change the location of an application link. You will need to relocate an application link if the target application has moved to a new address.

To relocate an application link:

  1. Log in as a system administrator and go to the administration page. Click 'Application Links' in the administration menu. The 'Configure Application Links' page will appear, showing the application links that have been set up.
  2. If the remote application for an application link cannot be reached by your application, the 'List Application Links' page will display a warning message (see 'Relocate Link - Warning Message' screenshot below).
  3. If your remote application has been moved to a different address (rather than just being offline temporarily), click the 'Relocate' link in the warning message (see 'Relocate Link - Updating URL' screenshot below).
  4. Enter the new URL for the remote application of your application link and click 'Relocate'.
  5. You will need to confirm the relocation, if the new URL cannot be contacted. Otherwise, the application link will be updated.

Screenshot above: Relocate link – The warning message

Screenshot above: Relocate link – Updating the URL

Making an application link the primary link

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