Crucible でメンバーの統計を参照する

This page contains instructions on how to use the People tab in Crucible to see charts and activity from people with accounts on the system.


Opening the list of People

To view statistics on People in Crucible, (that is, code authors, committers and reviewers) click the People tab at the top of the page. 

The list of all people shows all users that have accounts on the system. By default, each user has a unique avatar that is randomly formed from the text in their email address. You can add your own avatar by uploading an image to an external service such as Gravatar, which Crucible supports. See Changing your User Profile.

Screenshot: List of all People in Crucible (when using Fisheye with Crucible)


Viewing a Person's Activity Screen

Click on a username to see a listing of activity for them as well as charts showing statistics for their activity. 

The right hand pane displays a list of all activity for this user. You can:

  • click the icons to view full commit information in Fisheye
  • click Jira issue names to open the work ticket on an item
  • click the long button to see the list of files in context
  • click the star icon to add an item to your favorites.

The left hand pane displays charts around this activity, including:

  • number of active reviews
  • charted history of lines of code
  • code committing activity
  • general statistics.

Screenshot: The People Activity Screen in Crucible


Some users may not appear to have the correct number of Files Changed or LOC, despite regularly committing. In this situation, if they have committed to a directory which is not covered by the regexes in your symbolic definition (i.e. they have committed to a directory that is neither trunk, branches or tags) then that directory will be counted as part of trunk. Also note that creating tags and branches themselves does not count toward the totals.

Viewing charts of a person's activity

To see information on a person's activity charted in detail, click the headings in the left-hand pane. Each heading will show more information on demand, when clicked. The information available and what it means is listed below.

(warning) The charts in this section are only available when using Fisheye.

Screenshot: People Activity Charts in Crucible

  • About
    The username section shows the email address, then the first and latest commit dates for the person in context.
    Also displayed are data points for the previous week and all-time. It shows number of commits, number of files changed and number of lines changed.
  • Reviews
    The Reviews section shows several filters that you can click to constrain the review items shown in the right-hand pane. The options are To Review, Ready to Close, Out For Review, Open and Closed.

  • Line History
    The Line History section shows a graph with the number of lines committed to the repository, charted over time.

  • Commit Activity
    The Commit Activity section shows four smaller charts; the first showing the volume of commits over a 52 week period; the second showing the relative number of commits on days of the week; the third showing the relative number of commits by the hour of the day when they were lodged; the last shows a commit calendar.

  • Committer Mappings
    The Committer Mappings section displays username mappings from various systems if they have several usernames in play.
Last modified on Mar 30, 2020


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