Crucible で Wiki マークアップを利用する
Crucible supports Wiki Markup text formatting in comments and review descriptions.
The text markup notation on this page is a reference showing the available formatting commands.
When using Fisheye, you can also render Wiki Markup in commit messages.
Notation | 説明 |
Biggest Text |
Bigger heading |
Big heading |
Normal heading |
Small heading |
Smallest heading |
Text effects are used to change the formatting of words and sentences.
Notation | 説明 |
*太字* | Makes text appear bold. |
_italic_ | Makes text appear in italics. |
+下線+ | Makes text appear underlined. |
??引用?? | Makes text appear in citation form. |
-取り消し線- | Makes text appear struck through. |
^上付き^ | Makes text appear in superscript. |
~下付き~ | Makes text appear in subscript. |
| Placing double curly-brackets around text makes it appear |
| To make an entire paragraph into a block quotation, place "bq. " before it.
{quote} | Quote a block of text that's longer than one paragraph.
{color:red} | Changes the color of a block of text. |
Wiki Markup allows you to insert breaks or different kinds of hyphens and dashes.
Notation | 説明 |
(empty line) | Produces a new paragraph |
| Creates a line break. |
| Creates a horizontal ruler. |
| Produces em dash — symbol. |
| Produces en dash – symbol. |
Creating links is easy with Wiki Markup.
Notation | 説明 |
{anchor:anchorname} | Creates a bookmark anchor inside the page. You can then create links directly to that anchor. So a link like this: [My Page#here] will link to wherever in "My Page" there is an {anchor:here} macro, and the link [#there] will link to wherever in the current page there is an {anchor:there} macro. |
[Atlassian Crucible|] | Creates a link to an external resource, special characters that come after the URL and are not part of it must be separated with a space. External links are denoted with an arrow icon.
[Crucible Review CR-FE-100|CR-FE-100] | Creates a link to a Crucible review or Fisheye artifact using the internal key reference for the item. |
[cs:id=x|rep=y] | Creates a link to changeset 'x' of repository 'y'. |
[file:///c:/temp/foo.txt] | Creates a download link to a file on your computer or on a network share that you have mapped to a drive. To access the file, you must right click on the link and choose "Save Target As". |
[] | Creates a link to an email address. |
Lists allow you to present information as a series of ordered items. Use asterisks * for bulleted lists and hash symbols # for numbered lists.
Notation | 説明 |
* A bulleted list | 例:
Images can be referenced from remote sources only.
Notation | 説明 |
!! | The image will be displayed from the remote source. |
!|align=right, vspace=4! | For any image, you can also specify attributes of the image tag as a comma separated list of name=value pairs as shown in this example. |
Tables allow you to organize content in a rows and columns, with a header row if required.
Notation | 説明 |
||heading 1||heading 2||heading 3|| | Makes a table. Use double bars for a table heading row. |
The code above produces a table that looks like this:
heading 1 | heading 2 | heading 3 |
col A1 | col A2 | col A3 |
col B1 | col B2 | col B3 |
This section covers panels, code windows and showing plain text with no formatting.
Notation | 説明 |
{noformat} | Makes a preformatted block of text with no syntax highlighting. All the optional parameters of the {noformat} macro are valid for the {panel} macro as well.
{panel} | Embraces a block of text within a fully customizable panel. The optional parameters you can define are as follows.
{code}code goes here{code} | The code macro displays a preformatted block for showing code with syntax highlighting. All the optional parameters of the {panel} macro are valid for {code}. The default language is Java but you can specify JavaScript, ActionScript, XML or SQL.
Miscellaneous Markup Features
Emoticons and often-used images can be easily embedded with the following Wiki Markup Syntax:
Notation | 説明 |
\X | Escape special character X (i.e. {) |
:), :( | Graphical emoticons (smileys): |
Notation | :) | :( | :P | :D | ;) | (y) | (n) | (i) | (/) | (x) | (!) |
画像 |
Notation | (+) | (-) | (?) | (on) | (off) | (*) | (*r) | (*g) | (*b) | (*y) |
画像 |