This page describes the Application Browser and gives an overview of the types of application you may find in Crowd.

On this page:

About the Application Browser

The Application Browser allows you to view and search for integrated applications.

To use the Application Browser,

  1. Log in to the Crowd Administration Console.
  2. Click the 'Applications' tab in the top navigation bar.
  3. This will display the Application Browser, showing all the applications that exist in your Crowd system. You can refine your search by specifying a 'Name' (note that this is case sensitive), or 'Active'/'Inactive' applications.
  4. To view or edit an application's details, click the application name or the 'View' link next to the specific application.

Screenshot: Application Browser

Screenshot: Example of an application's details

About Applications

Crowd integrates and provisions applications. Once defined, an application is mapped to a directory(s), whose users are then granted access to the application. Note that an application can only communicate with Crowd when the application uses a known host address.

Default Applications

When you first use the Application Browser, you will see a number of default applications, i.e. applications that are shipped with your Crowd installation:

  • 'crowd' — This is the Crowd Administration Console. The Crowd Administration Console is itself a web application that is provisioned by Crowd. The 'crowd' application is mapped to the default directory which you defined during setup, and can be accessed by members of the crowd-administrators group.
  • 'crowd-openid-server' — This is the CrowdID application which you (optionally) configured during setup. It allows you to provide OpenID services to your users. For details please see the 2024-04-19_12-07-02_CrowdID Administration Guide and the 2024-04-19_12-07-13_CrowdID User Guide.

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    No link could be created for 'How CrowdID works with Crowd'.

  • 'demo' — This is the 'demo' application which you (optionally) configured during setup. Its main purpose is to provide an example of how to integrate custom applications with Crowd.
  • 'google-apps' — This is the Crowd application connector which allows single sign-on (SSO) to Google Apps. To enable SSO between Crowd-connected applications and Google Apps, you will need to configure the Google Apps connector as described in Configuring the Google Apps Connector.

アプリケーション タイプ

Crowd supports the following application types, as indicated by the application-type icons on the Application Browser:

This icon marks the Crowd application.

  • There will be one, and only one, application of this type.
  • You cannot rename, deactivate or delete this application.

This marks a Bamboo server connected to Crowd.

This marks a Confluence server connected to Crowd.

This marks a Crucible server connected to Crowd.

This marks a Fisheye server connected to Crowd.

This marks a JIRA server connected to Crowd.

These are the 'remote' applications, which you can add to Crowd as described in Adding an Application. This application type does not include plugin applications. You can rename, deactivate or delete remote applications.

The 'plugin' applications are implemented as plugins to Crowd.

  • An example of a plugin application is the Google Apps connector, which is shipped with your Crowd installation. To activate the Google Apps connector, you need to configure it.
  • In future, other plugin applications may become available. You will then be able to install them by copying the relevant jars to your Crowd installation. See Important directories and files.
  • All installed plugin applications are created automatically when the Crowd server starts up, by loading them from the relevant folders in your Crowd Home directory.
  • You cannot rename or delete plugin applications. You can deactivate them.

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