This guide applies to situations when you may need to migrate Crowd to a new server, because:

  • Your Crowd server hardware is changing.
  • You are cloning your production server for a staging, test or development instance.


  1. Make sure you have a Crowd license for the new server you are targeting. Developer/staging licenses are available for any commercial or academic license. Create a developer license or contact us for help.
  2. Add the IP address or hostname of the target Crowd server to the remote addresses in your existing Crowd server, if these will be different from the original server's.:
    • Find the IP address or hostname of the target Crowd server.
    • Log in to the Crowd Administration Console on your existing Crowd server.
    • Click the 'Applications' tab, find the 'Crowd Console' application and open the 'Remote Addresses' tab.
    • Ensure that the address list includes at least the following items: 'localhost', '' and the IP address or hostname of the machine that is going to receive the new Crowd instance. This list determines the hosts that can access the Crowd Administration Console.
  3. Perform a file system backup of the Crowd Home and Crowd Installation directories.
  4. Perform a full database backup.

(info) From this point on, we will call your existing Crowd server the 'original' server.


  1. Restore the file system and database backups on to the target server.
  2. Locate the file in the target server's Crowd Home directory. Edit the file and modify the line crowd.server.url so that it points to your new Crowd server.
  3. Locate the crowd-cfg.xml file in the target server's Crowd Home directory. Modify it to point to the new database, if the name/location of it has changed, in this property: <property name="hibernate.connection.url">
  4. Locate the file in your target server's Crowd Installation directory. Modify it to point to the new Crowd Home if the location of it has changed.

Post Migration Verification

  1. In your original Crowd server, you can now remove the IP address or hostname you added during the preparation steps. This will help prevent you from accidentally logging into your original Crowd server.
  2. Start Crowd on the new server. You should be able to authenticate and access Crowd using the same credentials as on your original Crowd server.

Applications and Customisations

  1. For any application you are going to test against this new Crowd server, you will need to modify the application's file to point to this new server, if the URL is different from the original server's URL.
  2. If you have installed any Crowd plugins or added other customisations, you will need to re-apply them on the new server.

If you encounter any difficulties, please feel free to contact support and let us know which step you are having problems with.



Specifying your Crowd Home Directory
Crowd Installation and Upgrade Guide
Running the Setup Wizard

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