The <clover-merge>
task merges several Clover databases into one, to allow for combined reports to be generated. The resultant database can be used with reporting tasks, such as <clover-report>
or <clover-log>
, using the initstring
属性 | 説明 | 必須 |
initstring | The location to write the Clover coverage database resulting from the merge. | はい。 |
update | If set to true and there is an existing database at | No. Defaults to 'false'. |
updateSpan | If update is true, this span is used when merging any existing database at | No. Defaults to |
Specifies a Clover database to merge.
属性 | 説明 | 必須 |
initstring | The | はい。 |
span | Specifies how far back in time to include coverage recordings from since the last Clover build for this database. See Using Spans. | No; default includes 'all coverage data found'. |
Specifies an Ant FileSet of Clover databases to merge. Apart from those shown below, parameters and sub-elements are the same as for an Ant FileSet.
See the Ant FileSet documentation for parameters and sub-elements available on FileSets.
属性 | 説明 | 必須 |
refid | Lets you specify a fileset that references a group of Clover database files. This references a fileset defined elsewhere. | No; defaults to none. |
span | Specifies how far back in time to include coverage recordings from since the last Clover build for this database. See Using Spans. | No; defaults to '0 seconds'. |
This example produces a merged database containing the measured coverage of project A and project B:
<clover-merge initString="mergedcoverage.db"> <cloverDb initString="projectAcoverage.db"/> <cloverDb initString="projectBcoverage.db" span="30 mins"/> </clover-merge>
This example produces a merged database containing the measured coverage of all databases found under /home/projects
<clover-merge initString="mergedcoverage.db"> <cloverDbSet dir="/home/projects" span="30 mins"> <include name="**/coverage.db"/> </cloverDbSet> </clover-merge>