This is the documentation for Clover 4.0. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

This page contains list of JVM properties, which can be passed during compilation, runtime or reporting in order to modify Clover's behavior.



Ant PatternSet of files to be instrumented by Clover. This property is for compilation. Using <files> or <fileset> in <clover-setup> overrides this property.


(for compilation)

compilationclover.excludesAnt PatternSet of files to be not instrumented by Clover. This property is for compilation. Using <files> or <fileset> in <clover-setup> overrides this property.


(for compilation)

compilationclover.grover.ast.dumpFor debugging only. Whether to dump an abstract syntax tree (AST) for Groovy code instrumented by Clover. Default is false. 



clover.license.certClover's license key. Required for compilation and reporting.-Dclover.license.cert="license key
remember to preserve
newline characters"



clover.license.pathPath to a file containing Clover's license key. Required for compilation and reporting.-Dclover.license.path=clover.license
レポートclover.skipTreeMapWhether to skip generation of the Tree Map diagram in HTML report. Disabling tree map generation may speed up report generation for large projects. Default is false. -Dclover.skipTreeMap=true
runtimeclover.enableWhether Clover coverage recording shall be enabled at runtime. Possible values: true/false. Default is true. It's useful in case when you have deployed an instrumented code, but you don't want to measure code coverage.-Dclover.enable=false
runtimeclover.initstringPath to Clover database, overrides the path set during compilation. It's useful when you run your tests on a different machine. You can use "${abc}" variables in the path, which will be resolved against runtime properties.-Dclover.initstring=/tmp/${}/clover.db
runtimeclover.initstring.basedirBase directory for relative paths to Clover databases; it overrides paths which were set during compilation. It's useful when you have many clover.db files for your application and you run tests on a different machine. You can use "${abc}" variables in the path, which will be resolved against runtime properties.-Dclover.initstring.basedir=/path/to/clover/base/dir
runtimeclover.initstring.prefixPrefix which has to be added to a file name of every Clover database. Should be used only with relative paths in initstring. You can use "${abc}" variables in the prefix, which will be resolved against runtime properties.


runtimeclover.logging.levelLogging level to be used at runtime. Possible values: debug, verbose, info, warn, error. Setting debug or verbose may be helpful to investigate why coverage recording files are not produced.-Dclover.logging.level=debug
runtimeclover.logging.adapterName of the Log4J logging adapter which shall be used. Possible values: log4j, jdk, stderr or a fully qualified class name of the logger. If not set, then Clover's logger is used.-Dclover.logging.adapter=log4j
runtimeclover.profileName of the instrumentation profile which has to be selected at runtime. Can be undefined. See <clover-setup> for more details about profiles.-Dclover.profile=default
runtimeclover.flush.everytestWhether every test end should trigger flushing of global coverage data to disk (in addition to per-test coverage data). Possible values: true/false. Default is false.-Dclover.flush.everytest=true
runtimeclover.synchronous.ioWhether to use synchronous I/O when writing coverage recording files. Possible values: true/false. Default is false. When set to true, the 

FileDescriptor.sync() will be called after call FileOutputStream.flush().
runtimeclover.rle.coverageWhether to use RLE compression for coverage recording files. Possible values: true/false. Default is true.-Dclover.rle.coverage=false
runtimeclover.pertest.coverageWhich kind of per-test recorder shall be used. Possible values: off, diff or (undefined). Default is undefined. If value is undefined, then value of the clover.pertest.coverage.threading is used. May be useful for very large projects (millions of LOC, thousands of tests). More details here.


disables per-test coverage

runtimeclover.pertest.coverage.threadingWhich kind of per-test recorder shall be used for tests running in parallel. Possible values: volatile, synchronized or (undefined). Default is undefined. If undefined, then it's assumed that tests are ran sequentially. More details here.-Dclover.pertest.coverage.threading=volatile
runtimeclover.optimization.enabledWhether to run test optimization in Ant's <junit> task. Possible values: true/false.-Dclover.optimization.enabled=false
runtimeclover.serverWhether to start Clover Server thread (shall be set for a JVM which runs tests). Default is false. See Using Distributed Per-test Coverage.-Dclover.server=true
runtimeclover.distributed.coverageWhether to enable or disable distributed coverage feature. Also can be used to fine-tune options. Format: "on|off|key=value;key=value...". Default is off. See Using Distributed Per-test Coverage.


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