This is the documentation for Clover 4.0. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

Configuring your Clover license

This page contains instructions for configuring the licence file in all versions of Clover.

Installing a licence for Clover-for-Ant

  1. You need a valid Clover license file to run Clover. You can obtain a free 30 day evaluation license or purchase a commercial license at
  2. To configure your clover.license file, do one of the following:
    • Place your clover.license file in CLOVER_HOME/lib; or
    • Place the license file on the Java Classpath that will be used to run Clover; or
    • Place the license file on the file system somewhere, and then set the Java System Property clover.license.path to the absolute path of the license file.
  3. If you are not finished, carry on with the Clover-for-Ant installation. Enjoy using Clover.

Installing a licence for the Clover-for-Maven plugin

  1. The plug-in does not include a built-in evaluation license - you will need to download a license from Atlassian.
  2. Configure your license. You can either:

    1. add it in your .m2/settings.xml file (so that it will become available for all projects running on a given machine): 

               <!-- You can define the path to a license file: -->
      		 <!-- Or you can embed license key (remember to keep newline characters): -->
    2. or add it in your pom.xml file:

                      <!-- Define a path to a license file: -->
                      <!-- Or embed a license key (remember to keep newline characters): -->
  3. If you are not finished, carry on with the Clover-for-Maven configuration. Enjoy using Clover.

Installing a licence for the Clover-for-Eclipse plug-in

  1. You need a valid Clover license file to run Clover. You can obtain a free 30 day evaluation license or purchase a commercial license at
  2. Open your valid trial, purchased or Open Source license file for Clover.
  3. Within Eclipse, select from the menu "Window | Preferences" and click on Clover > License.
  4. Paste the contents of your license file into the license text area or select your license file by clicking "Load...".
  5. Click Apply. The license summary should now display status, type and message consistent with the type of license you entered.
  6. Click OK to close the window.
  7. If you are not finished, carry on with the Clover-for-Eclipse Installation. Enjoy using Clover.


Installing a license for the Clover-for-IDEA plug-in

  1. Download Clover license file from Evaluation licenses are available free of charge.
  2. Open the Clover license dialog in IDEA. Go to 'File > Settings > IDE Settings > Clover License'. Click 'Load' and select the 'clover.license' file you just downloaded. Close the window.
  3. You're ready to use Clover-for-IDEA. See Clover-for-IDEA User's Guide to learn Clover's features.
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