This is the documentation for Clover 4.0. View this page for the

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of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

If you're doing custom development with Clover, you've come to the right place.

Bamboo and Hudson users: Clover already has working plugins that integrate Clover into these products (see the 'Clover Plugins' section below). No additional programming is required for Bamboo or Hudson users to take advantage of Clover.

The Clover API is aimed at CI server vendors wishing to add support for Clover to their products, or users wishing to program new solutions for meshing Clover's Test Optimization with your test framework (see the 'Reference Documentation' section below).

Clover Plugins

These plugins allow customers using continuous integration servers to easily make use of Clover's advanced code coverage analysis, in a turnkey solution.

Continuous Integration (CI) Plugins
  • Coverage Plugin for Bamboo
    Plugin developed by community which integrates Atlassian Bamboo with code coverage analysis tools like Clover, Emma, Cobertura.

Reference Documentation

Clover Development Documentation

The Clover API also provides classes to optimise tests programatically. This may be necessary if you are using a custom testing framework or your tests are defined in JUnit TestSuites.

  • JSON Reference
    The JSON format is supported as an output type in Clover specifically to create integration opportunities with other applications. The JSON data from Clover is easy to manipulate programmatically, allowing innovative developers to use it for displaying or processing their coverage data in novel ways.

Plugin Hosting on Bitbucket or

Atlassian can host your plug-in development project. We'll provide a Mercurial or Git repository, Confluence space and a JIRA project.

The Atlassian Developer Blog

For up-to-date news and opinions from the Clover, FishEye and other Atlassian development teams:


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