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2008 年 11 月 5 日

Atlassian presents Clover 2.4

Clover 2.4 is a major release with a significant new feature called Test Optimization, along with a number of improvements and bug fixes.Upgrading to Clover 2.4 is free for all customers with active Clover software maintenance at date of launch.

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Upgrading to Clover 2.4

Clover 2.4 can be downloaded from the Clover Download Centre. Before upgrading, please refer to the relevant documentation:

Highlights of Clover 2.4

Test Optimization

In the new Test Optimization feature, Clover now has the ability to optimise test runs, which greatly reduces the time taken to test a code change. Traditionally, the full suite of tests is run whenever a small code change is made. Now, for a given edit, Clover works out the optimal subset of tests that will exercise that change. Running the optimal subset is in general dramatically faster than running the full test suite. This means that developers are more likely to run tests prior to committing, and Continuous Integration servers can get through far more build and test cycles. This means faster feedback to developers when their code changes break tests.

Read more: Ant, Maven2

Easier Integration

Integration with Ant is now as simple as adding:

    <taskdef resource="cloverlib.xml" classpath="/path/to/clover.jar"/>

to your build.xml and ensuring that the clover.jar is on your test classpath. <clover-env/> automatically defines all the targets you need to have Clover seamlessly integrated with your build.

The clover-maven2-plugin can be run outside the forked-lifecycle - removing the need to have unit tests run twice.

Reporting Improvements

New columns have been added: PercentageCoveredContribution and PercentageUncoveredContribution - showing the percentage of coverage a particular class contributes to the overall project. Also the new FilteredElements column shows the amount of code that has been filtered from a coverage report. Custom contexts, allowing arbitrary blocks of code to be filtered from reports, are now supported by the maven-clover2-plugin. Historical Charts will now auto-scale depending on the data and have have had a color change - making them look less like something rendered in a 1986 era arcade game.

Clover for IDEA

Clover2 for IDEA is now fully featured and final. Easily find where to add your next test using Clover2's per-test coverage. Spot potential project risks by using the 'coverage clouds' and 'coverage tree map' visualisations - directly in your IDE. ALT-F1 to select the current class you are viewing in the Coverage Explorer.

Over 35 bug fixes and improvements

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