This is the documentation for Clover 3.3. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.



This is a "multi-multi" tutorial showing how to use Clover:

  • with projects containing multiple modules,
  • running on multiple application severs,
  • in multiple test phases (e.g. unit tests, integration, manual testing),
  • in multiple test runs (snapshots and history points)
  • in distributed environment


If you have questions like:

  • should I use cloverDatabase, singleCloverDatabase or cloverMergeDatabase?
  • should I declare Clover in master pom.xml or in child modules' pom.xmls as well?
  • should I deploy instrumented code on all application servers and run tests at once or sequentially?
  • what should I copy (or not copy) to test server?
  • should I use distributed.coverage=ON?
  • should I use merge clover databases?

then this tutorial is for you (smile)


Confused which scenario you shall use? Have a quick look at the Decision Matrix.


Assumptions for all scenarios:

For the simplicity of the tutorial it's assumed that:

  • we have separated machines for build, tests and reporting
  • we have a shared network drive accessible from all machines at the same absolute path

In case when your environment is different and:

  • build, application or reporting server is the same machine => skip points talking about copying files
  • shared network drive is accessible from all machines but at different absolute paths => instrument sources using relative paths, use clover.initstring.basedir / clover.initstring.prefix at runtime
  • shared network drive is not available => copy clover.db / recording snapshots / history points between machines


Scenario 1 - single-module application executed on several servers independently


  • we have a single-module application (like maven project with one pom.xml or ant project with one build.xml)
  • we deploy instrumented application (the same code) to several application servers
  • tests run independently on each application server
  • we're not interested in per-test coverage recording
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage from all application servers


(lightbulb)TIP: this scenario applies also to a case when

  • you deploy the application on one server or
  • you deploy the application on one server and run multiple instances in separate JVMs or
  • you execute your application multiple times (for example unit tests + integration tests + manual testing)


Overview chart:

Solution approach:

1) because of fact that

  • we're not interested in per-test coverage AND
  • we run tests independently

there is no need to configure a distributed coverage feature.

2) because of fact that

  • we deploy the same code to all application servers AND
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage from all application servers

we have the same code base, so the same clover.db should be used on each application server and merging clover databases has no sense

we should keep coverage recordings from all servers in the same location as well - note that they will not overwrite each other, because every snapshot file has unique file name

3) because of fact that

  • we have a shared network drive accessible from all machines at the same absolute path

it will be very convenient to use it to store clover.db as well as recordings

we will not need to use -Dclover.initstring at runtime, because the absolute path will be hardcoded in the instrumented code



1) Build application with Clover

a) using Ant

Define initstring attribute for <clover-setup> or <clover-instr> tag, e.g.:

<clover-setup initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db">

b) using Maven

Define <cloverDatabase> property for Clover plugin in pom.xml, e.g.:

mvn clean clover2:setup install


2) Deploy instrumented application to Application Servers

Copy clover.jar and your application jar/war. There's no need to copy clover.db as it's on a network drive.


3) Run tests on Application Servers

Execute your application. There is no need to provide clover.initstring parameter as path to clover.db database is already hardcoded in instrumented sources.


4) Generate coverage report

a) using Ant

Execute <clover-report> task; use initstring pointing to clover.db on a network drive, e.g.:

<clover-report initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db">

b) using Maven

Execute clover2:clover goal. Note that you don't need to call clover2:aggregate as the project is not multi-module. The <cloverDatabase> defined in pom.xml will be used for reporting.

mvn clover2:clover


Scenario 2 - multi-module application executed on several servers independently


  • we have a multi-module project
    • like maven project with modules, or
    • ant project with several build.xml files in which <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritprops="true"> is used (so that all properties are passed)
  • we deploy instrumented application (the same code) to several application servers
  • tests run independently on each application server
  • we're not interested in per-test coverage recording
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage for all modules from all application servers


Overview chart:

In this scenario there are two approaches possible:

Approach #1: use one database for all modules

Approach #2: use separate database for every module but under common root

We will focus on Approach #1 as it's easier to manage. For Approach #2 - see chapter below.


Solution approach:

1) because of fact that

  • we're not interested in per-test coverage AND
  • we run tests independently

there is no need to configure a distributed coverage feature.

2) because of fact that

  • we deploy the same code to all application servers AND
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage from all application servers

we have the same code base, so one clover.db should be used on each application server and merging of clover databases has no sense

we should keep coverage recordings from all servers in the same location as well - note that they will not overwrite each other, because every snapshot file has unique file name

3) because of fact that

  • we have a shared network drive accessible from all machines at the same absolute path
  • we use single clover database for all modules

we will not need to use -Dclover.initstring at runtime, because the absolute path will be hardcoded in the instrumented code



1) Build application with Clover

a) using Ant

<target name="all">
   <!-- Enable clover for top level module -->
   <clover-setup initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db">
   <!-- Build sub-modules ensuring that properties are passed -->
   <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritprops="true" file="sub-module-a/build.xml" target="all"/>
   <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritprops="true" file="sub-module-b/build.xml" target="all"/>

b) using Maven

  • define <singleCloverDatabase>true</singleCloverDatabase> in top-level pom.xml; sub-modules will inherit this setting
  • define <cloverDatabase>/path/to/network/drive/clover.db</cloverDatabase> in top-level pom.xml;
  • do not define <cloverDatabase> attribute in sub-modules, because it would override the singleCloverDatabase parameter

<!-- No need to define anything for Clover, unless you wish to have 
some module-specific settings -->

2) Deploy instrumented application to Application Servers

Copy clover.jar and your application jar/war. There's no need to copy clover.db as it's on a network drive.


3) Run tests on Application Servers

Execute your application. As we have used singleCloverDatabase and cloverDatabase pointing to absolute path on a network drive, we don't need to provide clover.initstring parameter.


4) Generate coverage report

a) using Ant

<clover-report initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db">

b) using Maven

Execute clover2:clover goal. Note that you don't need to call clover2:aggregate as the project is not multi-module. The <cloverDatabase> defined in top-level pom.xml will be used for reporting.

mvn clover2:clover


Scenario 2b - multi-module application executed on several servers independently

This scenario is the same as Scenario 2, but we use separate clover.db database for every module and all of them are stored under common root.


1) Build application with Clover

a) using Ant

This approach is generally not applicable for ant scripts.

b) using Maven

Don't define <cloverDatabase> and <singleCloverDatabase> so that default values will be used (relative path target/clover/clover.db and false).

2) Deploy instrumented application to Application Servers

No differences.

3) Run tests on Application Servers

Provide clover.initstring.basedir=/path/to/top-level-module/dir at runtime. Alternatively: use clover.initstring.prefix.

4) Generate coverage report

Before generating report you have to merge all databases. For example:

a) using Ant

<clover-merge initstring="/path/to/mergedClover.db">
   <cloverDb initstring="/path/to/network/drive/moduleA/clover.db"/>
   <cloverDb initstring="/path/to/network/drive/moduleB/clover.db"/>
<clover-report initstring="/path/to/mergedClover.db"/> 

b) using Maven

<!-- Top-level pom.xml -->
mvn clover2:aggregate clover2:clover




Scenario 3 - multiple applications executed on several servers in isolation


  • we have multiple applications (each of them can have one or more modules)
    • every application has separate code base (i.e. no shared source files)
    • every application is built and instrumented separately (i.e. separate clover.db for every app)
  • we deploy instrumented applications to several application servers
    • every application runs on it's own server (i.e. no case when two apps runs in the same JVM)
  • tests run independently on each application server and for each application
  • we're not interested in per-test coverage recording
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage for all modules of all applications from all application servers

Overview chart:


Solution approach:

1) because of fact that

  • we're not interested in per-test coverage AND
  • we run tests independently

there is no need to configure a distributed coverage feature.

2) because of fact that

  • every application has separate code base AND
  • every application is built and instrumented separately AND
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage from all application servers

it implies that

  • different clover.db files should be used (one for each application on every application server where application runs)
  • merging of clover databases is necessary after tests
  • we should keep coverage recordings from all servers in separate locations - one location for every clover.db file

3) because of fact that

  • we have a shared network drive accessible from all machines at the same absolute path
  • every application runs on it's own server

we will not need to use -Dclover.initstring at runtime, because the absolute path will be hardcoded in the instrumented code



 1) Build application with Clover

a) using Ant

Define initstring attribute for <clover-setup> or <clover-instr> tag, which will point to different directory for every application ,e.g.:

<!-- App1 build.xml -->
<clover-setup initstring="/path/to/network/drive/app1/clover.db">

<!-- App2 build.xml -->
<clover-setup initstring="/path/to/network/drive/app2/clover.db">

b) using Maven

Define <cloverDatabase> property for Clover plugin in pom.xml. You can use singleCloverDatabase in case your application is multi-module. Databases for all applications must be stored under common root (it's a limitation of clover2:merge goal; Ant clover-merge task is more flexible regarding paths). Example:

<!-- App1 pom.xml -->

<!-- App2 pom.xml -->
        <singleCloverDatabase>true</singleCloverDatabase> <!-- assuming that app2 is multi-module -->
mvn clean clover2:setup install


2) Deploy instrumented application to Application Servers

Copy clover.jar and your application jar/war to proper machines. There's no need to copy clover.db as it's on a network drive.

3) Run tests on Application Servers

Execute your applications. As every application runs in their own JVM and due to fact that we have used cloverDatabase (and optionally singleCloverDatabase) pointing to absolute path on a network drive, we don't need to provide clover.initstring parameter at runtime, because correct path is hardcoded in instrumented classes.


4) Generate coverage report

Before generating report you have to merge all databases. for example:

a) using Ant

<clover-merge initstring="/path/to/network/drive/cloverMerged.db">
   <cloverDb initstring="/path/to/network/drive/app1/clover.db"/>
   <cloverDb initstring="/path/to/network/drive/app2/clover.db"/>
<clover-report initstring="/path/to/cloverMerged.db"/> 

b) using Maven

<!-- Top-level pom.xml -->
        <cloverMergeDatabase>/path/to/network/drive/cloverMerged.db</cloverMergeDatabase>  <!-- output database -->
        <baseDir>/path/to/network/drive/common-root</baseDir>  <!-- common root -->
        <includes>*.db</includes> <!-- filename pattern, separated by comma or space -->
mvn clover2:aggregate             # run it for multi-module applications
mvn clover2:merge clover2:clover  # run it for final report



Scenario 3b - multiple applications executed on several servers in partial isolation

This scenario is a variation of Scenario 3 in such way, that:

  • location of clover.db(s) on test server is different than on build server (so you have to provide/change initstring at runtime)
  • some applications are executed in the same JVM (as a consequence, you cannot pass clover.initstring as JVM argument, because you need a different value for each application).


In such case, you have to:

  • instrument these applications using relative paths in <cloverDatabase> parameter (Maven) or <clover-setup initstring=""> (Ant), like below:


  • copy generated clover.db(s) to test server, keeping their relative paths (under a common root), for instance:


  • provide clover.iniststring.basedir=/path/to/common-root at runtime



Scenario 4 - multi-module application with distributed execution on several servers


  • we have a multi-module project (like Maven project with modules, or Ant project with several build.xml files with inheriting properties across ant calls)
  • we deploy instrumented application (the same code) to several application servers
  • unit tests are executed on one <<server>> machine, but these unit tests call business logic on one or more <<client>> machines
  • we are interested in per-test coverage recording, showing combined coverage from distributed execution
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage for all modules from all application servers

Overview chart:

Solution approach:

1) because of fact that

  • we are interested in per-test coverage AND
  • we run tests on several machines in parallel (so that a single test case is executed on several nodes)

it implies that

  • we must configure a distributed coverage feature
  • we must designate a single machine which will be our host of unit tests - see <<server>> on a diagram
  • we must open network ports so that <<client>> machines will be able to connect to <<server>> on a designated port number
  • we must decide how to launch <<server>> and <<clients>>, for example whether server should hold with test execution until clients are ready


2) because of fact that

  • we deploy the same code to all application servers

we don't have to merge clover databases as the same database should be used on each application server


3) because of fact that

  • we have a shared network drive accessible from all machines at the same absolute path

we will not need to use clover.initstring at runtime, because the absolute path will be hardcoded in the instrumented code



1) Build application with Clover

  • define how many clients will connect to JVM running unit tests;

(warning) a number greater than 0 means that server will hold until all clients are connected before it continues execution; number equal 0 means that tests will start immediately

(warning) you might have a dependency loop so that server waits for clients and clients wait for server - see below

  • define server host name (default is localhost) and listening port (default is 1198)
  • optionally define connection timeout (in miliseconds), retry period 


a) using Ant

<clover-setup initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db">
    <distributedCoverage host="" port="1234" numClients="2" timeout="10000"/>

b) using Maven

        <singleCloverDatabase>true</singleCloverDatabase>  <!-- In case of multi-module application (optional) -->

2) Deploy instrumented application to Application Servers

Copy clover.jar and your application jar/war to proper machines. There's no need to copy clover.db as it's on a network drive.


3) Run tests on Application Servers

On <<server>> machine

java ... -Dclover.server=true

On <<client>> machines

You don't have to provide any runtime options for JVM. They're already compiled in the code.


Potential problems

Server does not wait for clients, despite having numClients != 0 in build configuration

Do not use -Dclover.distributed.coverage=ON runtime option if numClients!=0 was set in instrumentation. The clover.distributed.coverage provided at runtime will override numClients setting from instrumentation, setting it to 0. As a consequence your tests on server will start immediately, without waiting for clients to connect. It can result in lower or zero coverage.

Instead of this:

  • enable distributed coverage option in build file or
  • use -Dclover.distributed.coverage=numClients=N (where N is a number >= 0) at runtime

Execution of tests hangs when with numClients != 0

It can happen that your server will wait for clients to connect, while clients will wait until server starts unit test execution. This is a typical case for web applications running in container (like Tomcat, JBoss), when your unit test calls a servlet class (e.g. via HTTP request). The issue is as follows:

  • unit tests on <<server>> are waiting until all clients are connected (numClients != 0) but
  • none of the clients will connect until servlet class is loaded in the container, which happens only when first request comes (and it will not come, due to point above)

See Working with Distributed Applications how to fix this circular dependency.


4) Generate coverage report

a) using Ant

<clover-report initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db">
    <current showUniqueCoverage="true" outfile="/path/to/clover/report">
        <format type="html"/>
        <fileset dir="src"/>

b) using Maven

In order to show per-test coverage in the HTML report (showUniqueCoverage), you have to use the custom <reportDescriptor> in pom.xml and in the report descriptor set the showUniqueCoverage=true. For example:

<project name="Clover Report" default="current">
    <clover-setup initString="${cloverdb}"/>
    <target name="historical"/>
    <target name="current">
            <current showUniqueCoverage="true" outfile="${output}">  <!-- Show per-test coverage in report -->
                <format type="html"/>
        <reportDescriptor>report-descriptor.xml</reportDescriptor>    <!-- Use custom report -->

mvn clover2:clover


Scenario 5 - multi-module application with history points


  • we have a multi-module project (like Maven project with modules, or Ant project with several build.xml files with inheriting properites across ant calls)
  • we deploy instrumented application to one application server
  • we are not interested in per-test coverage or test optimization
  • we want to have a single report showing combined coverage for all modules

Overview chart:

Solution approach:

1) because of fact that we're not interested in per-test coverage or test optimization, there is no need to configure a distributed coverage feature

2) because of fact that we have one multi-module application and we want to have a single report showing combined coverage from all modules, one clover.db should be used and there's no need to merge clover databases

3) because of fact that we will generate reports with history,

  • we must keep all *.xml.gz history snapshots between builds and
  • we must delete clover.db and coverage files between builds

 4) because of fact that

  • we have a shared network drive accessible from all machines at the same absolute path
  • we use single clover database for all modules

we will not need to use clover.initstring at runtime, because the absolute path will be hard-coded in the instrumented code.



 1) Build application with Clover

Configuration is the same as for Scenario 2.

a) using Ant

<target name="all">
   <!-- Enable clover for top level module -->
   <clover-setup initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db">
   <!-- Build sub-modules ensuring that properties are passed -->
   <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritprops="true" file="sub-module-a/build.xml" target="all"/>
   <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritprops="true" file="sub-module-b/build.xml" target="all"/>

b) using Maven


<!-- No need to define anything for Clover, unless you wish to have some module-specific settings -->
mvn clover2:setup test 

2) Deploy instrumented application to Application Servers

Remove previous version of application and copy clover.jar and your application jar/war. There's no need to copy clover.db as it's on a network drive.


3) Run tests on Application Servers

Execute your application. As we have used singleCloverDatabase and cloverDatabase pointing to absolute path on a network drive, we don't need to provide clover.initstring parameter at runtime.

4) Generate coverage report

a) using Ant

<clover-report initstring="/path/to/network/drive/clover.db"> 
    <current outfile="/path/to/clover/report/current" title="Coverage Report">
        <format type="html"/>
        <fileset dir="src"/>
    <historical outfile="/path/to/clover/report/historical" title="Historical Report" historyDir="/path/to/clover/historypoints">
       <format type="html"/>

<clover-historypoint historyDir="/path/to/clover/historypoints">
       <fileset dir="src"/>

b) using Maven

<!-- Top-level pom.xml -->

mvn clover2:clover clover2:save-history


Decision matrix

Instrumentation of source code

Q1How many applications do you build? (term 'application' means a separate source code and independent build)
 one applicationmany applications
Q2How many modules application(s) has(have)? (term 'module' means a part of source code, built in the same session as other parts of code)
 one modulemany modulesone modulemany modules

define cloverDatabase in pom.xml

no need to merge

define cloverDatabase in master pom.xml

set singleCloverDatabase=true in master pom.xml

no need to merge

define cloverDatabase in pom.xml

all applications' databases must be stored under a common root
(for sake of reporting via clover2:clover)

merge databases from all applications after tests
(using clover2:merge)

define cloverDatabase in master pom.xml

set singleCloverDatabase=true in master pom.xml

all applications' databases must be stored under a common root
(for sake of reporting via clover2:clover)

merge databases from all applications after tests
(using clover2:merge)

Alternative #1n/a

set singleCloverDatabase=false (or don't define)

merge after tests via clover:aggregate


set singleCloverDatabase=false (or don't define)

all applications' databases must be stored under a common root
(for sake of reporting via clover2:clover)

merge after tests via clover:aggregate + clover2:merge


Application execution

Q3Is directory with clover database(s) accessible at the same absolute same path on build and test server?
Q4Do you have many applications (i.e. you have many clover databases generated)?
 one applicationmany applicationsone applicationmany applications
Q5Do you run each application in a separate JVM?
推奨nothing to do; path to clover.db
is already hardcoded in
instrumented source code
instrument source code with
different initstring for every app;
no need to provide clover.initstring
at runtime as it's hardcoded in
instrumented source code
instrument code with relative path
in initstring for all applications;
provide common root in
clover.initstring.basedir at runtime
at runtime

instrument source code with
different initstring for every app;

provide different clover.initstring
for every application at runtime

instrument code with relative path
in initstring for all applications;
provide common root in
clover.initstring.basedir at runtime


Environment configuration

Q6In case you use different machines for build/test/reporting - do you have a shared network drive? 
Q7Do you execute the same application (i.e. binaries produced in one build and using the same clover.db) on several machines?
 nothing to do (clover.db created during build
is available on test machine too thanks to
a network drive; coverage recording files
are written to the same directory)
nothing to do (clover.db created during build
is accessible on all test machines too; coverage
recordings from all test machines are written to
the same directory; coverage files generated on different
machines will not clash because they're using
unique file names)

copy clover.db from build to test server

execute tests

copy clover.db and coverage files from test to report server

copy clover.db from build to test servers

execute tests

copy clover.db from build to report server
copy coverage files from all test servers to
report server into the same directory


Per-test coverage and test optimization vs distributed coverage

Q8Are you interested in per-test coverage report or in test optimization?
Q9Do you have distributed application, so that single test case executes application logic on several machines?
 nothing to do

don't set up distributed coverage feature

just run your application and gather
coverage recording files from all
machines in one common directory

don't set up distributed coverage feature

use showUniqueCoverage=true for reporting

instrument code with distributedCoverage option
(define host/port for server hosting unit tests)

at runtime, designate one server where unit tests are
executed and run with clover.server=true runtime property

see Using Distributed Per-test Coverage

use showUniqueCoverage=true for reporting




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