Tutorial: Work with Bitbucket Data Center
- Running Jira applications over SSL or HTTPS
- Connecting to Crowd or another Jira application for user management
- Connecting to SSL services
- Configuring an SSL connection to Active Directory
- Connecting to an internal directory with LDAP authentication
- Integrating Jira with Apache using SSL
- Create, edit, or remove a user
- Configuring Jira application options
- Connecting to an LDAP directory
- Upgrade from Jira Server to Jira Data Center
Teams in Space is a fictional company created by Atlassian that specializes in space travel for teams.
Welcome to the Teams in Space web team! You are joining us as a Bitbucket Data Center web developer, and your first assignment is to update our company website to include a link to our Moon Itinerary so that our customers know what to expect on their day trip to the Moon.
Here's what you'll accomplish by the end of this tutorial:
- Set up Sourcetree to work with Bitbucket
- Create a personal repository for the tutorial
- Clone your repository and manage files locally
- Commit and push changes
For this tutorial we'll be using Sourcetree, a desktop Git client with a graphical interface, to work with Bitbucket. If you're already comfortable using Git from the command line we'll also include the Git command equivalent.
Time needed
5-10 minutes
You're new to working with Bitbucket
- Bitbucket is installed
- You have login credentials
- You have a project and repo
Here's what the final version of the HTML page will look like when you're finished (and we've got all the files you need to get this end result).
- Running Jira applications over SSL or HTTPS
- Connecting to Crowd or another Jira application for user management
- Connecting to SSL services
- Configuring an SSL connection to Active Directory
- Connecting to an internal directory with LDAP authentication
- Integrating Jira with Apache using SSL
- Create, edit, or remove a user
- Configuring Jira application options
- Connecting to an LDAP directory
- Upgrade from Jira Server to Jira Data Center