Creating projects

Projects in Bitbucket Data Center and Server allow you to group repositories and manage permissions for them in an aggregated way.

Who can do this?

Users with Project creator permission


  1. From the navigation bar, select Projects > Create project.
  2. Fill out the form. We recommend that you use a short project key, which will be used as an identifier for your project and appear in the URLs.

  3. Optional: You can choose an avatar for the project. This will be displayed throughout Bitbucket and helps identify your project.
  4. Select Create project when you're done.

You may now want to add repositories to the project. Learn how to create repositories

Restrict changes to repository settings

Who can do this?

Project admins

Available in Bitbucket Data Center 8.8 onwards

By default, repository settings inherit project settings and can be modified by repository admins. However, for both new and existing projects, you can choose to restrict or control changes to some of the repository settings (Access keys, HTTP access tokens, Project permissions).

For more information on how this control impacts settings, see:

最終更新日: 2023 年 2 月 23 日


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