Shared credentials

You can store credentials within Bamboo for easier access to repositories and Amazon Web Services. The access details that you provide are available to all plans on your Bamboo server.

To manage shared credentials:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select
    Administration bamboo administration icon
    > Overview.
  2. Under Build resources, select Shared credentials.
  3. You can addedit, or delete existing credentials.

Adding shared credentials

  1. Select Add shared credentials and select the type of credentials that you want to add.
  2. Provide the details:


    Credential nameThe name of the credential set. Make the name meaningful, as Bamboo refers to the credential set by its name without quoting the details.

    Access key IDCredentials assigned to each IAM user in the AWS management console. For more information, see AWS account for Bamboo.
    Secret access key
    ssh  SSH keyThe private key from the SSH key pair that you created to authenticate with a repository. You must specify the public key on the repository host side.
    SSH passphraseThe passphrase for accessing the SSH private key
    ユーザー名とパスワードユーザ名The username with which you want to authenticate
    パスワードThe password with which you want to authenticate
  3. Select Save credentials to add the credentials to the shared credentials list.

Editing shared credentials

You can modify the details of the existing shared credential by selecting Edit next to the credential name, then selecting the Change check box.

Deleting shared credentials

You can delete existing shared credentials by selecting Delete next to the credential name.

After you select Delete, Bamboo displays a message with a list of repositories or plan tasks that depend on the credential and might break if you delete it.

最終更新日: 2023 年 10 月 10 日


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