This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.5. View this page for the

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of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

Stages group (or 'map') jobs to individual steps within a plan's build process. For example, you may have an overall plan build process that comprises a compilation step, followed by several test steps, followed by a deployment step. You can create separate Bamboo stages to represent each of these steps.


  • Has a single job, by default, but can be used to group multiple jobs.
  • Processes its jobs in parallel, on multiple agents (where available).
  • Must successfully complete all its jobs before the next stage in the plan can be processed.
  • May produce artifacts that can be made available for use by a subsequent stage.

Each new plan created in Bamboo contains at least one stage (for the default job) and is known as the 'Default Stage'. Stages can only be configured by Bamboo administrators.




プラン内のどのステージも、手動ステージに設定できます。手動ステージでプランを実行する場合、手動ステージに到達するたびに Bamboo はプランの実行を一時停止します。プランのビルドは、ユーザーが手動でステージを実行した場合のみ継続されます。以下の点にご注意ください。

  • 手動ステージは、前のステージが正常に完了した場合にのみ実行できます。
  • 手動ステージは、プランに設定されている順序で実行する必要があります。手動ステージをスキップすることはできません。
  • Manual stages will be displayed in the Plan Navigator with either this icon (not due to be triggered) or this icon (pending execution).
  • You need 'Build' permission on the plan to run a manual stage.

Navigating to the stages for a plan


  1. ダッシュボードをクリックし、すべてのプラン タブをクリックします。
  2. In the list of plans, click the name of the desired plan. The plan's 'Plan Summary' page will be displayed.
  3. Choose Actions > Configure Plan.
  4. Expand the Stages & Jobs section of the left navigation panel to see the stages of the plan.

Screenshot: The stages for a plan in the left navigation panel

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