[Bamboo Knowledge Base]
Bamboo provides several options for user management:
Note that this information does not relate to application-level security for Bamboo. If you are looking for information on security of the Bamboo application, please refer to the Security page.
An author is any person who checks in code to a repository that is associated with a Bamboo plan. An author need not be a Bamboo user. Depending on your organisation's needs, you can configure Bamboo to grant access to non-users. However, only Bamboo users can:
Bamboo groups are used to specify which users will have global permissions and plan permissions. They can also be used to specify which users will receive notifications about a plan's build results. You can create and delete as many groups as you need. You will typically create at least one group per project.
A special group called bamboo-admin is automatically created when you install Bamboo. Members of this group have Bamboo administration rights.
A plan permission is the ability to perform a particular operation on a plan and its jobs. For each plan, different permissions can be granted to particular groups and/or users. A global permission is the ability to perform a particular operation in relation to Bamboo as a whole.