This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.5. View this page for the

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of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

We recommend that you shut down any elastic instances that are not being used. Amazon EC2 charge for the period of time that you have an instance running, so you can minimise your costs simply by shutting down instances with inactive agents. You should also shut down your elastic instances if you are going to restart your Bamboo server, otherwise you will orphan them from your Bamboo server.

If you have set up automated procedures via the Bamboo Remote API - Deprecated to terminate agents (e.g. cron jobs), you can also configure Elastic Bamboo to automatically shut down instances after the agent processes terminate.

エラスティック インスタンスをシャットダウンする


  • Please ensure that the agent on an elastic instance is not running a job build, before shutting down the instance. Any job builds running on the agent will be abandoned when you shut down the elastic instance.

To shut down an elastic instance:

  1. Click the  icon and select Elastic Instances.
  2. Click Shut Down for the instance that you wish to shut down (in the 'Operations' column).
  3. Click Confirm. In the 'Manage Elastic Instances' screen, the elastic instance that you have shut down will show a 'Shutting down' status for a few minutes, before it shuts down and disappears from this screen.

Shutting down all elastic instances


  • Please ensure that the agent on an elastic instance is not running a Job build, before shutting down the instance. Any Job builds running on the agent will be abandoned when you shut down the elastic instance.

To shut down all elastic instances:

  1. Click the  icon and select Overview.
  2. Click Instances in the left navigation panel. The 'Manage Elastic Instances' screen will display.
  3. Click Shut Down All Instances. The 'Shut Down All Instances' screen will display.
  4. Click Confirm. The 'Manage Elastic Instances' screen will display again. The elastic instances will display 'Shutting down' status' for a few minutes, before they shut down and disappear from this screen.

Configuring automatic shutdown of instances after agent termination

To configure Elastic Bamboo to automatically shut down instances when agents are terminated:
Please refer to Configuring Elastic Bamboo and follow the instructions for setting the Automatically shut down elastic instance when elastic agent process ends option in the 'Elastic Bamboo Global Settings' section.

Shutting down elastic instances using the AWS Console

We strongly recommend that you manage your instances using the Elastic Bamboo user interface. If your elastic instances become orphaned from your Bamboo server, you may need to shut your elastic instances down directly in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) console.

Your elastic instances can become orphaned from your Bamboo server, for example if you restart your Bamboo server without shutting down your elastic instances first.

Please refer to How do I shut down my elastic instances if I have restarted my Bamboo server for further details.

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