Bamboo allows you to disable or delete jobs that you don't want to be built:
- Disabling a job prevents it from being built. Disabling a job prevents Bamboo from building that particular job within a plan, allowing the rest of the plan's jobs to be built. You can re-enable the job, if you want to build it again.
For example, if a job's latest build is broken and cannot be fixed quickly, you may want to disable it temporarily to stop the job from being built.
- Deleting a job removes it completely from your Bamboo system. You will need to recreate a new job from scratch, if you want to build it again.
For example, if a job is no longer relevant, you may want to delete it.
To disable a job:
- Navigate to the job configuration, as described on Configuring jobs.
- Choose Actions > Disable Job.
ジョブを削除すると、ジョブの設定、ビルド結果、アーティファクト、ラベル、コメントなど、そのジョブに関連するすべてが削除されます。ただし、ジョブのプランとそのプランの他のジョブに関連するものは、Bamboo に保持されます。
To delete a job:
- Navigate to the job configuration, as described on Configuring jobs.
- Choose Actions > Delete Job.