This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.5. View this page for the

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of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

計画では、Bamboo における継続的インテグレーション ビルド プロセスに関するすべてを定義します。


  • Has a single stage, by default, but can be used to group jobs into multiple stages.
  • 同じリポジトリを使用して順番に実行される一連の 1 つ以上のステージを処理します。
  • 既定のリポジトリを指定します。
  • Specifies how the build is triggered, and the triggering dependencies between the plan and other plans in the project.
  • Specifies notifications of build results.
  • Specifies who has permission to view and configure the plan and its jobs.
  • Provides for the definition of plan variables.

Every plan belongs to a project.

Projects and plans can only be configured by Bamboo administrators (see Creating a plan).

Diagram showing the relationship between plans, stages, jobs and tasks:

Navigating to a plan

To navigate to a plan:

  1. ダッシュボードをクリックし、すべてのプラン タブをクリックします。
  2. In the list of plans, click the name of the desired plan. The plan's 'Plan Summary' page will be displayed.
  3. Choose Actions > Configure Plan to see the configuration pages for the plan.

Screenshot: The Plan Summary page

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