Application Links (sometimes called "AppLinks") is a bundled plugin that allows you to link your JIRA, Confluence, StashFishEye, Crucible and Bamboo applications. Linking two applications allows you to share information and access one application's functions from within the other. For example, if you link JIRA and Confluence, you can view JIRA issues on a Confluence page via the JIRA Issues macro. You can even link your individual projects, spaces and repositories with each other, across the different applications.

The Application Links plugin is bundled and shipped with the Atlassian applications. You cannot install it yourself. 


The Quick Start Guide provides instructions on how to set up the most common application link configuration.


The administrator's guide is for administrators who want to configure application links for the applications. The guide contains information on adding a new application link, configuring the authentication for an application link, setting up project links and more.

Developer Resources

These resources are for developers who want to develop with the Application Links plugin. Take a look at the Application Links documentation on the Atlassian Developers site.

アプリケーション リンクを使用したアトラシアン製品の連携で問題がありましたか?

当社はあなたをお助けするために「アプリケーション リンクに関するトラブルシューティング ガイド」を開発しました。アプリケーション リンクをセットアップする上でエラーや障害を回避する手助けが必要となった場合は、こちらをご覧ください。

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