Jira アプリケーションのアップグレード



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Jira は複数の方法でアップグレードできます。利用する手段は、使用している Jira のバージョンや、Jira を実行している環境のタイプに依存します。次の表を参考に、Jira のアップグレード手順を選択してください。

Jira を新しいサーバーへ移行するか、OS、データベース種類、または添付ファイルやインデックスファイルの場所が異なる新しい環境で使用する必要がある場合、「別のサーバーへの Jira の移行」の説明に従ってください。

Upgrade method説明

Upgrade Jira using an installer

This method includes the use of a typical installation wizard that will guide you through all the stages of upgrading Jira.

Upgrade Jira manually from a zip or archive file

This method includes downloading Jira files compressed into a .zip or .tar.gz package, and extracting them into the chosen location. It doesn’t include a typical upgrade (as you'll extract an almost-ready Jira instance), and so is much faster.

Upgrade Jira with a fallback method

This method allows you to safely roll back to your previous Jira version if the upgrade takes longer than expected, or if you encounter any issues. It requires that you set up a proxy server to have a quick way of redirecting your users either to the existing or to the new instance of Jira.

Upgrade Jira Data Center on a single node

It's the same as a Server upgrade:

If you have deployed Jira Data Center on a single node, without setting up a cluster, you can upgrade it just like you would a Server installation, using the installer or archive file.

Upgrade Jira Data Center in a cluster

If you have deployed Jira Data Center in a cluster, we'll show you the quickest way to upgrade it by using the archive file.

Upgrade Jira Data Center with zero downtime

Upgrade with zero downtime is a special method available for a Jira Data Center cluster. It introduces the upgrade mode that allows your nodes to work on different Jira versions while you upgrade them one by one. During the upgrade, Jira remains fully functional and open to your users.

最終更新日: 2020 年 2 月 26 日


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