Unable To Grant Read-Write Privilege To Apache Group
Specifying read-write privileges to a group, when integrating Crowd with Apache doesn't work.
The Crowd Apache Connector doesn't consider rw a valid option.
Since read-write is the default privilege, you can simply remove ":r" from the end of the group name for read-write privileges to work.
PerlAuthzHandler Apache::CrowdAuthz
PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedUsers johnh,kevinr
PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedGroups developers,crowd-administrators,customers:r
PerlAuthzHandler Apache::CrowdAuthz
PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedUsers johnh,kevinr
PerlSetVar CrowdAllowedGroups developers,crowd-administrators,customers
最終更新日 2012 年 11 月 21 日
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