How to change all Crowd internal users e-mail domain name in bulk
This guide is tested in Crowd 2.8
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When a company get acquired, it is necessary for them to change their e-mail address domain name to the new company. However, Crowd does not have a bulk editing feature that could help simplify this process.
- 安全のため、データベースの完全なバックアップを作成します。
次の SQL クエリを実行して内部ディレクトリの ID を取得します。
SELECT id FROM cwd_directory WHERE impl_class = '';
次の SQL クエリを実行して、内部ユーザーのメール アドレスのドメインを変更します。
UPDATE cwd_user SET email_address = replace(email_address,'<PreviousDomain>','<NewDomain>') WHERE directory_id = <ID from step 2>; UPDATE cwd_user SET lower_email_address = replace(lower_email_address,'<PreviousDomain>','<NewDomain>') WHERE directory_id = <ID from step 2>;
- Restart Crowd
This method does not work for external users such as LDAP server or another Crowd as Crowd will retrieve the data from the external server configured. Hence any modification in Crowd database will be temporary.