Adding Users to a Group

When you add a user to a group, that user will be authorized to use any applications that use this group to control access.

Group membership may be used to determine authorization permissions – see Effective memberships with multiple directories.

You can add users to a group in two places:

  • The group management screen for a specific group — Here you can add many users at once to the selected group.

    Using the group management screen for a specific group, you can add many users at once to the selected group.
    1. Log in to the Crowd Administration Console.
    2. In the top navigation bar, click Groups.
    3. Locate the group you want to add users to and click the group name.
    4. In the Group Details screen, click the Direct members tab.
      This will display a list of the selected group's members, both the groups and the users that are direct members of the group.
    5. Click Add Users.
    6. Enter your search criteria in the Search textbox.

      You can enter all or part of the user's email address or username. Leave the search box empty to match all usernames and email addresses.
      You can refine your search by choosing Active or Inactive users. (An 'Inactive' user is typically someone who has left your organization.)
      You can also set the Maximum Results, i.e. the number of users to be retrieved.
    7. Click Search.
      Crowd will list the users in the selected directory who match your search criteria, but excluding users who are already members of the selected group.
      (info) Crowd will display a maximum number of users as specified in the Maximum results field. If too many users match the search, you can change the search criteria and click Search again. (There is no way to move to the next page of matching users.)
    8. Select the users by putting a tick in the checkbox next to one or more users. To select all users, you can put a tick in the checkbox at the top of the table.
    9. Click the Add selected users button to add the selected users to the group.
  • The user management screen for a specific user — Here you can add the selected user to one or more groups at a time.


    Using the user management screen for a specific user, you can add the selected user to one or more groups at a time.

    1. Crowd Administration Console にログインします。
    2. 上部のナビゲーション バーで、[Users] をクリックします。
    3. Locate the user you wish to add, and click the link on the user's name.
    4. In the User Details screen, click the Groups tab.
      A list of the user's current groups (if any) will appear.
    5. Click Add groups.
    6. Enter your search criteria in the Search textbox.
      Leave the search box empty to match all groups.
      You can refine your search by choosing Active or Inactive groups.
      You can also set the Maximum Results, i.e. the number of groups to be retrieved.
    7. Click Search.
      Crowd will list the groups in the selected directory that match your search criteria, but excluding groups that the user already belongs to.
      (info) Crowd will display a maximum number of groups as specified in the Maximum Results field. If too many groups match the search, you can change the search criteria and click Search again. (There is no way to move to the next page of matching groups.)
    8. Select the groups by putting a tick in the checkbox next to one or more groups. To select all groups, you can put a tick in the checkbox at the top of the table.
    9. Click Add selected groups to add the user to the selected groups.

最終更新日 2022 年 5 月 17 日


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