User and Group Management Links Disappear From Admin Panel After Upgrade or Migration to 5.6.X
After upgrading/migrating to Confluence 5.6.X, the user and group management links are removed from the administration console and the user management link in the cog is missing.
The Confluence instance was previously an OnDemand instance.
There was a dark feature added and turned on for OnDemand instances to change how user management features work.
The user and group management areas can be accessed directly via url:
- Users: <base_url>/admin/users/showallusers.action
- Groups: <base_url>/admin/users/browsegroups.action
Try to disable the dark feature:
- Log into Confluence with an user with administrator permissions.
- Go to the URL <base_url>/admin/darkfeatures.action
- Click on remove by the entry unified.usermanagement.
Or you can use the following SQL to disable the dark feature. The Confluence cache will need to be flushed, and the links will reappear.
DELETE FROM BANDANA WHERE BANDANAKEY = 'confluence.darkfeature';
最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 27 日
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